The Chronicles of Narnia series, written by C.S. Lewis, is a beloved fantasy collection set in the magical land of Narnia, a world where animals talk, mythical creatures abound, and good battles evil. The seven books follow various children, primarily the Pevensie siblings, as they journey to Narnia and aid the noble lion Aslan in defending the realm from dark forces. Filled with allegorical themes, the series explores morality, faith, and the triumph of courage and hope over darkness.
List of Chronicles of Narnia Books in Chronological Order
The Magician’s Nephew |
1955 |
The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe |
1950 |
The Horse and His Boy |
1954 |
Prince Caspian |
1951 |
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader |
1952 |
The Silver Chair |
1953 |
The Last Battle |
1956 |
List of World of Narnia Books
Lucy Steps Through the Wardrobe |
1997 |
Edmund and the White Witch |
1997 |
Aslan |
1998 |
Aslan’s Triumph |
1998 |
Uncle Andrew’s Troubles |
1998 |
The Wood Between the Worlds |
1999 |