Order of Chronicles Of An Imperial Legionary Officer Books

Chronicles of an Imperial Legionary Officer Books In Order

Publication Order of Chronicles of an Imperial Legionary Officer Books

Chronicles of an Imperial Legionary Officer
The Chronicles of an Imperial Legionary Officer is a book series by Marc Alan Edelheit (August 1970—). From 1986 to 1989, Marc studied at Potomac Country Day School. The Pennsylvanian is a Bachelor of Science graduate of the Lynn University and got his Master of Education from the Plymouth State University, where he studied between 1995 and 1998.

The president of United Group Programs between 2004 and 2018, Marc’s literary influences include Alexander Dumas, Terry Goodkind, and Tom Clancy. He has co-authored with Quincy J. Allen. Notable niches: fantasy and military fiction.

Books in the Chronicles of an Imperial Legionary Officer
Marc’s other works include the Tales of the Eleventh series, The Karus Saga series, and The Way of the Legend series. However, he is renowned for authoring the serialized Chronicles of an Imperial Legionary Officer whose books are as follows.

First dated March 23, 2015; Stiger’s Tigers is the first book therein. The protagonist is Ben Stiger who serves as a captain in the 85th Imperial Foot military unit that is within the Imperial Army—comprising of up to 6000 men whose commander is General Komen—located in the so-called Ilosta continent, which, in turn, is in the World of Istros.

The aristocratic Stiger is mandated to help restock and secure the Vrell military outpost as part of quelling the centuries-long internal problems troubling the empire. One of these problems is a rebellious faction, including hostile dwarves, in the empire’s southern region. A friendly pointy-toothed elf called Eli’Far helps the south-bound Stiger who has since taken over the command of—and must not only transform but also prove himself to—a regiment comprising of inconsistent, undisciplined, unkempt, starved, demoralized, and ill-equipped legionnaires.

Originally dated November 25, 2015; The Tiger is the second book. Elf ranger Eli’Far—whose rank is that of a lieutenant—proves vital in reconnaissance operations in the Sentinel forest where he dispatches scout corporal Marcus, a former criminal sentenced to a 25-year-long service with the legions.
Thus, heralds the capture of the Castle Vrell from 20000+ barefooted rebels—led by a shadowy god named Castor—where, unfortunately, Captain Stiger is behind enemy lines. The Stiger-led legionnaires must also protect the newly-captured castle against enemy dwarves whose motive for trying to repossess it is a prophetic claim of the shrine alternatively called Grata’Kor. Generally, those fighting against or alongside each other range from magicians to dwarves and elves in a war pitying the empire against confederates.

Initially dated June 24, 2016; The Tiger’s Fate is the third book. The external conflict pities the Cyphan Confederacy against the General Treim-led Empire. The provoked empire is fighting the Cyphan Confederacy for taking over many cities in the empire’s territory. However, the general is emboldened by the emperor’s order to defend—and after successfully reclaiming—Anesia, a city of 200,000 people that had fallen into Cyphan’s hands.
The ensuing success prompts the emperor to promote General Treim to the supreme commander of the Imperial Army in readiness for an offensive against Cyphan. Triem and elf Tenya’Far—he is Eli’far’s father and commands an eleven-elf fighting team—are mandated to relieve Legate (General) Stiger’s 1000-strong army that is still guarding the far-flung Castle Vrell whose fall may doom the empire.

First dated July 24, 208, The Tiger’s Time is the fourth book. Nicknamed the Tiger, Stiger’s services are no longer needed like before. He is a man living on borrowed time after, a week previously, he—alongside Father Thomas—unwittingly used a time machine called the World Gate in his belated attempt to rescue a fighter named Delvaris who had already been killed.

Unfortunately for Stiger, the exit from the time portal is closed, thus entrapping him inside. Subsequently, he is imprisoned in a heavily-guarded mountainous prison—wherein wizard Thoggle informs him about his altered future—before eleven dwarves transfer him to widow Sarai’s farmhouse, where he is detained and tagged with a tracking potion.

Initially dated February 6, 2020, The Tiger’s Wrath is the fifth book. Now in the present time, Stiger exits the World Gate in time to help defend Castle Vrell that is being attacked by the Cyphan’s army. Steiger not only activates the so-called Compact—a pact between the empire and supernatural beings, dating back to 2000 years—but also invokes past armies to fight alongside the empire.

Thus, Steiger commands the Thirteenth Legion whose fighters—they believe he is a reincarnation of the dead Delvaris—range from powerful gods and wizards to dwarves elves, that must fight their way out of Castle Vrell to strengthen the overwhelmed empire army.

Originally dated January 14, 2021, The Tiger’s Imperium is the sixth book. The death of Emperor Tioclesion popularizes his long-time friend Steiger after, in his deathbed, the former leaves the throne to the surprised latter. While awaiting his approval as the emperor amid hostile compatriots who may trigger a civil war, Steiger reunites the fragmented empire—including reconciling with his estranged family—to fight the Cyphan enemy forces that have targeted and are en route to their capital Mal’Zeel.

In 2016, Stiger’s Tigers won in the fantasy category of the IPPY Award. In 2017, The Tiger’s Fate won in the Gold Medal’s speculative fiction category.
In 2019, Marc’s series Chronicles of an Imperial Legionary Officer was a finalist in the Next Generation Indie Award’s “Best Series” category.

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