Order of Celta Books

Order of Celta Books

Celta by Robin D Owens

Celta is a series of fantasy/futuristic romance novels by American author Robin D. Owens. The setting of the series is Celta, a place of magic, telepathic animal companions, and romance. The series is also known as the Celta’s HeartMates series.

Robin D. Owens began her Celta series in 2001 with the novel Heart Mate. The series is currently ongoing. Below is a list of Robin D. Owens’ Celta books in order of when they were first released:

Publication Order of Celta’s Heartmates Books

Heart Mate


Heart Thief


Heart Duel


Heart Choice


Heart Quest


Heart Dance


Heart Fate


Heart Change


Heart Journey


Heart Search


Hearts and Swords


Heart Secret


Heart Fortune


Heart Fire


Heart Legacy


Lost Heart


Heart Sight


Celta Cats


Script of the Heart


Hearts and Stones
