Order of Catherine Asaro Books

Order of Catherine Asaro Books

Catherine Asaro
Catherine Asaro is an American author of science fiction and fantasy novels. She is best known for her Saga of the Skolian Empire series and also wrote the Lost Continent romantic fantasy series. Catherine earned her Ph.D in chemical physics and her M.A. in physics from Harvard University, as well as her B.S. in chemistry (with highest honours) from UCLA. Aside from writing, she also teaches math, physics and chemistry. Catherine is the daughter of Frank Asaro, who ended up being part of the team who brought up the theory of the asteroid that caused the extinction of the dinosaurs. She is married to NASA astrophysicist John Kendall Cannizzo. They have an adult daughter.

Catherine Asaro became a published novelist in 1995 with the novel Primary Inversion. She is a two-time winner of the Nebula Award – once for best novel, once for best novella. Below is a list of Catherine Asaro’s books in order of when they were originally published (and in chronological order when necessary):

Publication Order of Skolian Empire Books

Primary Inversion


Catch the Lightning


The Last Hawk


The Radiant Seas


Ascendant Sun


The Quantum Rose


Spherical Harmonic


Sextopia (With: Cecilia Tan)


The Moon’s Shadow






The Final Key


The Ruby Dice


Diamond Star




Chronological Order of Skolian Empire Books





The Final Key


The Last Hawk


Primary Inversion


The Radiant Seas


Ascendant Sun


The Quantum Rose


Spherical Harmonic


The Moon’s Shadow


Diamond Star


The Ruby Dice




Catch the Lightning


Sextopia (With: Cecilia Tan)


Publication Order of Skolian Empire: Ruby Dynasty Books

Lightning Strike


Publication Order of Dust Knights Books

The Down Deep


Publication Order of Major Bhaajan Books

The City of Cries




The Bronze Skies


The Vanished Seas


The Jigsaw Assassin


Publication Order of Skolian Empire Anthologies

Aurora in Four Voices


Publication Order of Lightning Strike Books





Publication Order of Lost Continent Books

(with Mercedes Lackey, Rachel Lee)

Charmed Destinies (With: Mercedes Lackey,Rachel Lee)


The Charmed Sphere


The Misted Cliffs


The Dawn Star


The Fire Opal


The Night Bird


Publication Order of Sunrise Alley/Charon Books

Sunrise Alley




Publication Order of Standalone Novels

The Veiled Web


The Phoenix Code


Publication Order of Short Stories/Novellas

A Roll of the Dice


Walk in Silence


The Spacetime Pool


Publication Order of Anthologies

Analog, December 1998


Civil War Fantastic


Analog Science Fiction and Fact Magazine, July/August 2000


Charmed Destinies


Irresistible Forces


Space Cadets


The Space Opera Renaissance


Best New Paranormal Romance


Nebula Awards Showcase 2007


The Mammoth Book of SF Wars


Nebula Awards 47 (2013)


Visions of the Future


Infinite Stars


Notes: The short story The City of Cries is included in the anthology Aurora in Four Voices. Lightning Strike is an expanded version of the first half of Catch the Lightning. Charmed Destinies also contains stories by Mercedes Lackey and Rachel Lee.