Order of Anne Cleeland Books

Order of Anne Cleeland Books

Anne Cleeland
Anne Cleeland is an American author of crime fiction and historical fiction novels. She writes the New Scotland Yard mystery series and the Regency historical series. Cleeland earned her English degree from UCLA and her law degree from Pepperdine University, and has passed the Bar in California. She is a member of the Historical Novel Society and the Mystery Writers of America. Anne lives in California and has four children.

Anne Cleeland became a published novelist in 2013 with the novel Tainted Angel, quickly followed by Murder in Thrall and then Daughter of the God-King. Below is a list of Anne Cleeland’s books in order of when they were first released:

Publication Order of Regency Books

Tainted Angel


Daughter of the God-King


The Bengal Bridegift


Publication Order of New Scotland Yard/Doyle and Acton Books

Murder in Thrall


Murder in Retribution


Murder in Hindsight


Murder in Containment


Murder in All Honour


Murder in Shadow


Murder in Misdirection


Murder in Spite


Murder in Just Cause


Murder in the Blood


Murder in Deep Regret


Murder in Revelation


Murder in Unsound Mind


Murder in Material Gain


Murder in Immunity


Murder in All Fury


Murder in Admonishment


Murder in Protocol


Murder in Reproach


Murder in Preemption


Publication Order of Standalone Novels

The Barbary Mark


The True Pretender


A Death in Sheffield


The Spanish Mask


The Gypsy Queen


The Blighted Bride


The Stray Relation


Publication Order of Non-Fiction Books

Hats and Windows
