Order of Ann Purser Books

Order of Ann Purser Books

Ann Purser
Ann Purser is a British author of mystery and general fiction novels. She lives in a small village, located in the East Midlands, with a shop, garage, pub and church. Ann uses her village as inspirations for her novels, listening to the world around her as she shops. She is author of the Round Ringford, Lois Meade and Ivy Beasley series.

Ann Purser became a published author in 1978 with the non-fiction book Looking Back at Popular Entertainment. Her first novel was the Round Ringford novel Pastures New. Below is a list of Ann Purser’s books in order of when they were originally published:

Publication Order of Round Ringford Books

Pastures New


Spinster Of The Parish / A Tangled Web


New Every Morning


Orphan Lamb


Thy Neighbour’s Wife


Mixed Doubles


Publication Order of Lois Meade Mystery Books

Murder on Monday


Terror on Tuesday


Weeping on Wednesday


Theft on Thursday


Fear on Friday


Secrets on Saturday


Sorrow on Sunday


Warning at One


Tragedy at Two


Threats at Three


Foul Play at Four


Found Guilty at Five


Scandal at Six


Suspicion at Seven


Publication Order of Ivy Beasley Mystery Books

The Hangman’s Row Enquiry


The Measby Murder Enquiry


The Wild Wood Enquiry


The Sleeping Salesman Enquiry


The Blackwoods Farm Enquiry


Publication Order of Non-Fiction Books

Looking back at popular entertainment


You and Your Handicapped Child
