Andrew Shvarts Books In Order
Publication Order of Royal Bastards Books
Royal Bastards | (2017) | |
City of Bastards | (2018) | |
War of the Bastards | (2019) |
Publication Order of Standalone Novels
It Ends in Fire | (2021) |
Author Andrew Shvarts was born in the Soviet Union, but came to the United States when he was only four years old. Despite not remembering a whole lot of his time there, he still enjoys watching weird Russian cartoons and is indifferent towards the cold. He is both tone deaf and color blind, but that might mean that he has some pretty cool superpowers to discover later on in his life.
While he was growing up, he played Japanese role playing games and he watched a lot of straight to video horror movies. He even claims that he watched every VHS from the action section at Blockbuster; simply admitting this, he is making himself seem even more dated (as if that was possible). Andrew lives in the city of San Jose, California with his two cats, his son, and wife. He also believes that “Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater” is the greatest video game ever made.
He has always loved storytelling, no matter the form: long and rambling anecdotes, video games with a narrative, fiction, and movies. He has worked, since the year 2008, in video games (writing, producing, and design). He works mainly on narrative mobile games (particularly episodic ones). Some of which include: “Choices: Stories You Play” and “High School Story”. He works for Pixelberry Studios.
He graduated from Vassar College and got degrees (Bachelor of Arts) in Russian and English literature, the two languages that he is fluent in before college. While there, he stole a fence and buried it. He was also wrongly accused of releasing a bear on the campus.
As a kid, he loved Stephen King’s work (especially “The Stand” and the “Dark Tower” series). Andrew liked the way that King was able to balance the amazing with the mundane; he would take ordinary people and throw them into fantastic or terrifying scenarios and see how things played out.
Then he found George R. R. Martin, a writer that completely redefined fantasy for young Andrew. He says that the influence of George can be seen throughout “Royal Bastards”. He even wanted to capture the violence and intrigue that is found in Martin’s “A Song of Ice and Fire” series in a young adult setting.
While writing “Royal Bastards”, he was working on two different stories. One, involved teens that were on the run thriller set in the modern times. It was five teens that were each from different cliques on the run after seeing a murder and try to clear their names. The second, was a bit of a world building thing. He went back and forth on them, and felt that they were really one story, and he put them together.
He claims to be a big seat of the pants writer, the biggest one to ever do it. He will go into a project knowing certain things (how certain scenes will go and the ending), but then, as he is writing, things will sort of happen that change from his original plan.
He says that he loved writing the banter and joke parts; he even laughed out loud while writing them. The easiest parts, he says, were the action parts; he could spend all day writing those. The toughest parts are the downtime and quiet moment parts.
The character from “Royal Bastards” that Andrew would like to hang out with would have to be Tilla. He believes that she is the perfect best friend to have, she is funny, loyal, and bold. She would make you laugh until your sides hurt and back you up should some jerk insult you.
“Royal Bastards” is the first novel in the “Royal Bastards” series and was released in the year 2017. Tilla’s father loved her when she was younger, but cast her aside when got true born kids. Her father is Lord Kent of the Western Province.
When she is sixteen years old, she goes exploring the tunnels underneath the castle with Jax during the day. Jax is her half brother who works as a stable hand. She spends her nights with the servants, drinking and then sleeping it off on Jax’s floor. All the while, her bedroom in the castle collects dust. She longs to sit by her father, and enjoy feasts with the rest of the family. What she does instead, is she sits with other bastards; there is Miles of House Hampstedt, someone who is both awkward and since they were both kids, has been in love with Tilla.
While at a feast, held in the honor of princess Lyriana (who over for a visit), Lyriana sits at the Bastards’ Table. Tilla takes the princess (who has led a sheltered life) out for a night on the town. She is also out with Zell (fellow bastard and Zitochi warrior from the north), Jax, and Miles; they come across a crime that they were not supposed to see.
There is a rebellion coming from the west. A brutal coup leaves the Royal Archmagus (who is Lyriana’s uncle) dead, and Lyriana up next for the chopping block. The group runs for the hills to try to save themselves. They are pursued by deadly mercenaries who are relentless. Their own parents want them dead so the king and his Royal Mages do not find out what they have done.
These bastards stick together, knowing that they are the only thing stopping a civil war from happening. That is assuming, however, that they can warn their king in time. Not to mention, they have to stay alive long enough.
Fans of the novel felt that this was a great adventure and they loved just to be along for the ride. Some felt the book has great characters that make the book even better; as does the witty banter that some of the characters get into. Tilla is a great character, both tough yet still an awkward teen. The other characters are awesome too, in their own ways. They each have their own thing that makes them unique and important to the story. Andrew makes great choices when it comes to the characterization at times, too. And the banter drew some in, especially the way the characters make fun of nobility while sitting on a wall. Some felt heartbroken when they finished the book, due to the twist that occurs later on in the story.