Order of Andrew Caldecott Books

Andrew Caldecott Books In Order

Publication Order of Momenticon Books

Publication Order of Rotherweird Books

Andrew Caldecott
Andrew Caldecott was born in the United Kingdom on June 22, 1952. He is a fantasy novelist, practicing barrister in media law, and occasional playwright.

“Higher than Babel” was described as being “a bold debut” by the Independent and “impressive” by the FT.

Driven by the subsequent neglect of his dramatic talents (or the lack of them), he turned to the fantasy novel and wrote “Rotherweird”, his debut.

Andrew was educated at Eton and read history from 1970-1973 at New College, Oxford. He was called to the bar in 1975 and he took silk in 1999. He was named “Defamation and Privacy Silk of the Year in 2005, 2007, and 2009. He is listed as a leading silk in Media, Defamation, and Privacy in the Legal 500.

Andrew represented the BBC in the Hutton Inquiry and The Guardian in the Leveson Inquiry. He’s also represented such celebrity clients as Johnny Depp and Naomi Campbell.

“Rotherweird” is the first novel in the “Rotherweird” series and was released in 2017. This is an arcane and twisted murder mystery.

The town of Rotherweird stands alone. There aren’t any guidebooks, despite the diverse and fascinating architectural styles that cram these narrow streets, the avant garde science and offbeat customs. Cast adrift from all of England by Elizabeth I, Rotherweird’s independence is subject to a single disturbing condition: no one, but no one studies the town or its history.

For under the enchanting lurks this secret so dark that it must never be unearthed, still less reused. However secrets have a way of leaking out.

These two inquisitive outsiders have shown up: Jonah Oblong, in order to teach modern history at Rotherweird School (nothing before 1800 and nothing local), and a sinister billionaire named Sir Veronal Slickstone, who’s somehow got permission to renovate the town’s long derelict Manor House.

Oblong and Slickstone, despite being driven by conflicting motives, each strive to connect present with past until they and their allies are drawn into this race against time, as well as each other. The repercussions are going to be apocalyptic and deadly.

The sheer amount of detail Andrew brings to this world is nothing short of remarkable. He masterfully delivers a story infused with otherworldly beings, rich lore, secrets, and just a bit of hocus pocus.

“Wyntertide” is the second novel in the “Rotherweird” series and was released in 2018. For four hundred years, the town of Rotherweird has been standing alone, made independent from the rest of England in order to protect its deadly secret.

However somebody is playing a long game. This intricate plot, centuries in the making, is now on the move.

Everything is pointing to a single objective: the resurrection of Rotherweird’s dark Elizabethan past, and to a single date. The Winter Equinox. Wynter is coming.

“Lost Acre” is the third novel in the “Rotherweird” series and was released in 2019. Apocalypse Now?

Geryon Wynter (the brilliant Elizabethan mystic) has just achieved resurrection and has returned to Rotherweird in the present day. However after the chaos that happened on Election Day, just how can this stranger from some other time wrest control? And for what fell purpose is Wynter returned?

His dark conspiracy reaches its very climax in this rather unique corner of England, where the study of history has been forbidden and neither foe nor friend are quite as they appear.

The stakes could not be any higher than they are now, for at the endgame, not only Rotherweird is under threat. Mankind’s future itself is hanging in the balance.

This is beautiful, Baroque, and Byzantine, not to mention bold. This is an enthralling puzzle picture of a novel. It is solemn, intricate, witty, and crisp.

“Momenticon” is the first novel in the “Momenticon” series and was released in 2022. The world’s become a very dangerous place: the atmosphere has turned toxic, and has destroyed all life, including most of humanity.

Survivors live in these domes which are protected by chitin shields, which serve one or other of the last two great companies. This long period of uneasy collaboration between Genrich and Tempestas will soon end, and they’ve got very different visions for the future of mankind.

Far away from these centers of power stands the Museum Dome, which is the home to mankind’s finest of paintings and artefacts and their curator, Fogg, a young man that has labored for three years without ever having a single visitor.

Then this single momentous pill, a momenticon, shows up in the Museum and it triggers this series of bewildering events, which embroils Fogg and his unexpected new companions in this desperate battle against the dark forces that threaten to overwhelm all that remains. And time’s running out.

This is enrapturing and compelling, capturing the reader’s attention from the first page all the way to end. It is a dark and offbeat adventure from one of the UK’s most intriguing imaginations. It’s whimsical science fiction at its absolute finest set in a deeply strange yet also deeply compelling world.

“Simul” is the second novel in the “Momenticon” series and was released in 2024. ‘Remember Simul’ is the final words of a dying man, and the key to mankind’s further survival.

They’re also words that take Morag, Fogg, and their friends on this wild ride into some old paintings, through caverns and over mountains, to this university not like any other, and then up the deadly Tower of No Return. It is a ride where mythical beasts, legendary monster-hunters and one corrupt establishment are lying in wait, as the weather watchers look on and just bide their time.

This is a race against extinction as well, for nature herself is bent on getting vengeance.

This is the jaw dropping conclusion of the “Momenticon” duology, and is an epic adventure unlike any other.

Andrew delivers an amazing and mind boggling achievement. They are the result of genius storytelling, which might be above some readers’ pay grades in their scope, complexity, and their undoubted Art. There is imagination and creativity without bounds on display in each of these novels.