Order of Alisha Klapheke Books

Alisha Klapheke Books In Order

Publication Order of Bound by Dragons Books

Publication Order of Dragons Rising Books

Publication Order of Edinburgh Seer Books

Publication Order of Kingdoms of Lore Books

Publication Order of Kingdoms of Lore: Underworld Books

Publication Order of Realm of Dragons and Fae Books

Publication Order of Uncommon World Books

Publication Order of Uncommon World: Northern Isles Books

Publication Order of Yew Queen Books

as Eve A. Hunt

Publication Order of Jayne Thorne, CIA Librarian Books

Publication Order of Starry Kingdoms of the Fae Books

Publication Order of Anthologies

+ Click to View all Anthologies

Alisha Klapheke is a USA Today bestselling paranormal, fantasy, and romance author. She writes the Yew Queen paranormal romance series under the penname Eve A. Hunt. Alisha’s books are written to infuse the reader’s lives with romance, magic, and fantasy settings. The inspiration behind her books can be accounted for by her obsession with books, the fantasy books she spent years reading, and the years of travel across the world. When not writing, you will find Alisha teaching Jiu-Jitsu, Muay Thai kickboxing, and Krav Maga.
Published in 2019, the Fate of Dragons is the first book in the Dragon Rising series by Alisha Klapheke. The book does not disappoint when it comes to characterization, world-building, and adventures. It centers on some sort of dystopic-fantasy world where the human race is extinct, and the world is flooded to the brim.

Meet Vahly, the last of the human race who had been adopted by the Lapis dragon clan. Her adoptive mother believes that Vahly has the power to fight and defeat the Sea Folk and the Sea Queen, who are planning on bringing any other surviving race to extinction. Even though Vahly has the blackwater mark on her head- an Earth Queen mark- she has no powers to save her clan. Right from the start, the story plays alongside the trope of the chosen one, and this doesn’t in any way diminish the fun of storytelling. The dragons in this story can shapeshift into a form that is a mix of human and dragon.

Alisha Klapheke does a fantastic job in world-building. The reader is sent into a world of scaled humanoid dragon and their currency Lapis Lazuli. The dragon world is fascinating, especially when it is narrated from Vahly’s (a human) eyes, allowing the reader to see how different their world was and how she, as a human, had adapted to the dragon culture. Besides the dragons, this world also features elves who have the power to control light and darkness. Then we have some sea folk who are in constant battle with the dragons.
Besides world-building, Alisha Klapheke successfully creates a wide cast of characters that are amazing and easy to connect to.

For example, Vahly is the story’s main character and focus. However, the story also switches to narration from Ryton, a sea kynd, from time to time. Vahly’s objectives are simple: she needs to find the elves and see if they know how to perform the human power ritual. From the inside, she struggles with alienation as she is the only human and doesn’t want to fail as Earth Queen. She is a character easy to root for.

On the other hand, we have Ryton. His chapters are yet to intersect with Vahly. But his plot seems to be more of a slow burn and likely to turn into something bigger. It’s important to note that Ryton’s chapters give crucial insight into his and his family’s feelings on the external power struggle with the humanoid dragons. We also have the elf Arcturus who plays an important supporting role even though he is not a point-of-view character. He is a decent guy and somehow weird, but he holds promise as an interesting element in other books in the series.

Fate of Dragons is narrated in the past tense and third person perspective. Klapheke’s prose is highly readable and unobtrusive and gets the job done if you like reading stories that feature elves, dragons, and mermaids, then Fate of Dragons is a highly recommended read.
Water of Salt and Sin is the first book in the Uncommon World series, first published in 2017. It delivers an intriguing and intricate fantasy world with a well-formed magic system with a blend of drama, romance, and brilliant characters. We are introduced to Kinneret Raza, 18, and her sister Avigail 14 years old. The two girls lost their parents due to a disease outbreak, and Kinneret has had a rough life keeping them alive with her sailing ability and the powers to perform salt magic. The magic allows her to bend sea winds and currents to her will, which is forbidden. If she is ever caught doing the magic, she will be outcasted from the community, and her sister will be on her own.

As Kinneret gets desperate about their situation, a family friend informs her about Ayarazi, a mythical land where there is plenty of silver. Kinneret discovers that the island is true, and even better, there is a map that will show her the route to the island. With silver as the only way to improve their lives, Kinneret is eager to find the map and then travel to the mythical island. If she can find enough silver, Kinneret will not only improve their lives but will be in a better position to declare her love for Calev. Unfortunately, Calev belongs to a higher caste, and once she and Calev turn 18, their interaction will have to end since Calev will be betrothed to a woman.

The true strength of the Uncommon World series debut novel lies within the characters. The cast is complex, varied, unique, and human. Kinneret is a wonderful main character. Her voice and personality are independent, strong, courageous, intelligent, and, above all, loyal. Along the way, she is supported by Calev, who sometimes bites more than he can chew, and her sister Avi, who is both sweet and sensitive. The three characters make a wonderful trio, and you will enjoy reading about them.

Additionally, the plot is both fun and fast-paced. Now and then, something is happening or about to go down, making it a fun read to keep you on the edge of your seat. Another strong element in this novel is world-building. Alisha Klapheke’s world is well formed, and she describes the nuances of the people, culture, and attitudes very well. The book also explores some complex and dark topics, making it satisfying and thought-provoking. If you’re looking for a fast-paced fantasy novel featuring fascinating characters, Water of Salt and Sin is highly recommended.