Order of Alan Bradley Books

Order of Alan Bradley Books

Alan Bradley is a Canadian author of mystery novels. During his high school years, rather than socializing, Alan would spend his spare time reading at the cemetery. He worked as Director of Television Engineering at the University of Saskatchewan for 25 years before deciding to switch careers in favour of becoming a full-time writer. He first tried writing screenplays, but after the 2003 Okanagan Mountain Park Fire destroyed neighbouring houses, he decided to try his hand at writing memoirs. In 2007, he wrote 15 pages about the character who would become Flavia de Luce for a contest, which he won.

Alan Bradley became a published author in 1980 with the non-fiction book Ms. Holmes of Baker Street. His first novel was not published for almost 30 years, which was The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie. Below is a list of Alan Bradley’s books in order of when they were originally published:

Publication Order of Flavia de Luce Books

The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie


The Weed That Strings the Hangman’s Bag


A Red Herring Without Mustard


I Am Half-Sick of Shadows


Speaking from Among the Bones


The Dead in Their Vaulted Arches


The Curious Case of the Copper Corpse


As Chimney Sweepers Come to Dust


Thrice the Brinded Cat Hath Mew’d


The Grave’s a Fine and Private Place


The Golden Tresses of the Dead


What Time the Sexton’s Spade Doth Rust


Publication Order of Non-Fiction Books

Ms Holmes of Baker Street: The Truth About Sherlock


The Shoebox Bible


Publication Order of Anthologies

A Study in Sherlock


Note: Ms. Holmes of Baker Street was co-authored by William A.S. Sarjeant.