Order of Helen Fielding Books

Order of Helen Fielding Books

Helen Fielding (Photo Credit: Alisa Connan)
Helen Fielding is an English novelist of chick lit novels. She writes the Bridget Jones series. Originally from Yorkshire, Helen worked as a journalist in London for years, travelling to Africa, India and Central America whenever possible. After her first novel, she was asked by The Independent to start writing a column about the life of a 30-something single woman in London, but instead had the idea to create a character that was more of an exaggeration – that character became Bridget Jones.

Helen Fielding became a published novelist in 1994 with Cause Celeb. Below is a list of Helen Fielding’s books in order of when they were originally published:

Publication Order of Bridget Jones Books

Bridget Jones’s Diary


The Edge of Reason


Mad About the Boy


Bridget Jones’s Baby


Publication Order of Bridget Jones Non-Fiction Books

Bridget Jones’s Guide to Life


Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Cause Celeb


Olivia Joules and the Overactive Imagination


Publication Order of Anthologies

Speaking With the Angel




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Note: Ox-Tales: Air also has stories by Diran Adebayo, Beryl Bainbridge, A.L. Kennedy, Alexander McCall Smith, D.B.C. Pierre, Vikram Seth, Kamila Shamsie, Helen Simpson and Louise Welsh.