Order of Jo Nesbo Books

Order of Jo Nesbo Books

Jo Nesbo is a Norwegian novelist who is best known for his Harry Hole book series. Besides his crime fiction, he also writes the children’s book series Doctor Proctor. He has sold over a million and a half copies of his books in Norway alone.

Nesbo’s literary career began in 1997 with Flaggermusmannen (The Bat) in the Harry Hole series. Since then, he has written several books in the Harry Hole series, plus Doctor Proctor children’s novels, and some standalone novels. Below is a list of Jo Nesbo’s published works in order of publication and in chronological order:

Publication Order of Harry Hole Books

The Bat




The Redbreast




The Devil’s Star


The Redeemer


The Snowman


The Leopard






The Thirst




Killing Moon


Publication Order of Doktor Proctor Books

Doctor Proctor’s Fart Powder


Bubble in the Bathtub / Time-Travel Bath Bomb


Who Cut the Cheese?


The Magical Fruit


The Great Gold Robbery


Silent (But Deadly) Night


Can Doctor Proctor Save Christmas?


Publication Order of Blood on Snow Books

Blood on Snow


Midnight Sun


Publication Order of Kingdom Books

The Kingdom


Blood Ties


Publication Order of Standalone Novels



The Son


The Night House


Publication Order of Short Stories/Novellas



Publication Order of Short Story Collections

The Jealousy Man and Other Stories


Publication Order of Hogarth Shakespeare Books

The Gap of Time (By: Jeanette Winterson)


Shylock is My Name (By: Howard Jacobson)


Vinegar Girl (By: Anne Tyler)


Hag-Seed (By: Margaret Atwood)


New Boy (By: Tracy Chevalier)


Dunbar (By: Edward St. Aubyn)




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Notes: The original Norwegian titles for The Bat, The Cockroaches, The Redbreast, Nemesis, The Devil’s Star, The Redeemer, The Snowman, The Leopard and Phantom are Flaggermusmannen, Kakerlakkene, Rødstrupe, Sorgenfri, Marekors, Frelseren, Snømannen, Panserhjerte and Gjenferd. The majority of them have been translated into English by Don Bartlett.

The original Norwegian titles for the Doctor Proctor (or Doktor Proktor) novels are Doktor Proktors Prompepulver, Doktor Proktors Prompepulver and Doktor Proktor og verdens undergang. Kanskje.

The original Norwegian titles for his standalone novels The White Hotel and The Headhunters are Det hvite hotellet and Hodejegerne.