Order of Dawn Lee Mckenna Books

Order of Dawn Lee McKenna Books

Dawn Lee McKenna is an American author best known for writing The Forgotten Coast series of books. That series began with Low Tide in 2015 and falls Lt. Maggie Redmond as she investigates a crime scene in Apalachicola, Florida.

McKenna was born and raised in Florida so that setting came naturally to her. She now makes her home in Tennessee. She has an affection for small Southern towns and depicts them well throughout her work. Her Forgotten Coast series features quite a few real people that she has met in life and she even uses their real names. Readers of her book have visit Apalach and asked for pictures with the people/characters.

Publication Order of The Forgotten Coast Books

Low Tide




What Washes Up




Dead Wake




Apparent Wind


Lake Morality


Squall Line




Ebb Tide


Back of the Bayou


Ebb Tide is a prequel to the series.

Publication Order of Still Waters Books

(with Axel Blackwell)

Dead Reckoning


Dead Center


Dead and Gone


Publication Order of Dismal, Florida Books

Black and White


Publication Order of Standalone Novels

See You
