Order of Alex Beecroft Books

Alex Beecroft Books In Order

Publication Order of Cygnus Five Books

Publication Order of Trowchester Blues Books

Publication Order of Porthkennac Books

Publication Order of Arising Books

Publication Order of Under the Hill Books

Publication Order of Unquiet Spirits Books

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Publication Order of Short Stories/Novellas

Publication Order of Anthologies

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Alex Beecroft is an English author that is best known for producing novels which feature gay characters. Alex primarily operates within the historical romance genre, though she has been known to dabble in fantasy and the paranormal.


Alex Beecroft was born in Northern Ireland. The author had the distinct disadvantage of growing up during the Troubles. Circumstances conspired to see her move to Cheshire and then the Peak District where life was relatively ordinary.

Alex was a lonely child. She spent a lot of time running in and around forests. The author always harbored a passion for reading. She was into science fiction, fantasy and romance. She also dabbled in romance. Alex Beecroft will tell you that she read anything and everything, and she never really had a favorite genre.

She went wherever her preferences took her. And there was no better time to take up writing. Having spent so much of her time on her own, it only made sense that the author would start making up stories to pass time.

By the time she hit her teens, Alex had begun writing her stories down, a habit that followed her for the rest of her life. As an adult, Alex found her way to London where she worked in the Lord Chancellor’s department.

Her role saw her dip her toes into the legal system in Britain. The job had its thrills. Alex’s department basically ran the courts. And Alex did a little bit of everything from designing computer programs to analyzing salaries to ensure they were fair. Alex Beecroft’s fondest memories are connected to her days as a court clerk because she got to sit in on numerous criminal cases, learning about the curious lives of all manner of individuals. Alex believes she played a role in ensuring that the British legal system flowed smoothly.

Whatever plans she had for her career, though, they went out the window when her two children came along. It wasn’t long before the author left everything to become a housewife and mother.

By this point in her life, she had found a home in Cambridge. Alex Beecroft never regretted becoming a full-time housewife and mother. And even if she did, she has never had the time to ruminate on it. Running her home keeps Alex preoccupied for most of the day. She looks forward to the moments when she ushers the kids off to school because then she has a moment to get her writing done.

While Alex has been writing since she was eleven, it wasn’t until she was eighteen that she actually sat down to produce her first novel. At that age, Alex had enough foresight to question the feasibility of surviving as a full-time writer.

What she saw on the publishing landscape did not encourage her to follow her passion, though she did write and complete a novel at that time just to prove that it was possible. Alex eventually went into the civil service and it wasn’t until 2008 that ‘Captain’s Surrender’, the author’s first novel was published.

The book took readers centuries into Britain’s past and gave them a taste of Alex’s ability to produce compelling gay historical fiction. The book is dear to Alex’s heart because it placed her on the path to publishing success.

More shocking to the author’s fans were the books Alex Beecroft subsequently published after 2008, in which she delved into dark fantasy, proving just how versatile she could be as an author. Alex seems to use all the fantasy and science fiction influences she encountered as a child when producing her own fiction, and many of her books have parallels in other popular forms of science fiction and fantasy. The only difference is Alex Beecroft’s penchant for injecting queer characters into the mix.

The author isn’t averse to combining the historical, science-fiction and fantasy genres to create something wholly unique. Alex is drawn to all three genres because they allow her to escape the world she knows. Alex runs to the historical genre because she gets to look at the world as it was. With science fiction, Alex is studying the world as it could be in the future. And with fantasy, the author is working with worlds that will never be. Either way, the author is leaving her world, which isn’t always pleasant and getting lost in places that appeal to her.

Alex has been known to self-publish, typically because the stories she has written push the boundaries a little too much and are unlikely to get the green light from traditional publishers.

Alex likes to think that a bit of her exists in her characters. She is only able to create male characters that she can relate to by taking bits and pieces of her attributes and expanding them to the point that they grow into fully formed personalities and characters.

Alex watches a lot of television and she has admitted to being inspired in her creative process by the likes of Doctor Who and Pirates of the Caribbean.

+False Colors

When John Cavendish is finally given the HMS Meteor, his first ship, he doesn’t necessarily expect his first command to prove so demanding. But that is exactly what he gets when he encounters his crew, a collection of strong hands that need as much repair and discipline as the MHS Meteor.

John won’t tolerate failure. There’s no way his first mission will end with anything less than success. However, John’s only hope is Aelfstan Donwell, a lieutenant who is well-liked and respected by the crew. The pair must band together to infiltrate the coast of Algiers and end the slave trade.

Alfie isn’t optimistic about the future. He knows their superiors want the crew to suffer a glorious defeat. Only then can support for war against the Ottoman Empire be mustered. Alfie has even less faith in the mission when his former captain comes onto the scene.

+Trowchester Blues

Michael May fought to escape his father’s tyranny. He fought to join the Metropolitan Police force, determined to protect people like him. When his rage pushes him to hit a suspect, this in the wake of his father’s death, May runs back to his hometown of Trowchester in search of salvation.