Order of Meka James Books

Meka James Books In Order

Publication Order of Atlanta Cannons Books

Publication Order of Desert Rose Hook-Ups Books

Publication Order of Not Broken Books

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Publication Order of Anthologies

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Meka James is a published American author of fictional novels. She is primarily known for writing contemporary romance novels.

She is originally from Georgia, where she was born and grew up. She qualifies as what she would describe to be a ‘Georgia peach’. She is married to her husband and they live together in the southern part of Georgia to this day, so Meka still gets to enjoy her status as a Georgia peach.

She has children with her husband and they have had four kids together. Meka was a stay at home mother to her kids when they were little and needed her to be around. She describes herself as having a fairly basic life that is straight forward and says that it is nice to have reading and writing as an escape from the everyday.

In addition to her human children, Meka also has some other ‘children’ that she takes care of that often have four legs instead of two. She has the fur babies of the dogs as well as a turtle named Leo and a snake named Spade. All of the pets contribute to one unique and chaotic household.

When Meka is not busy reading or writing, she has other hobbies that she enjoys. This includes playing The Sims (The Sims 3 and the Sims 4 are her most frequent go-to versions of the game), and having fun making up the various stories that go along with the pixel people in a world that she alone controls. The author also likes to share her time, spending hours volunteering with an organization called the Atlanta Weimaraner Rescue.

Meka James is the creator and the author of the fictional Desert Rose Hook-Ups series of novels. This romantic series first got started in 2019 with the release of the sizzling debut novel, Being Hospitable. This was followed by the release of the second installment of the series, Being Cordial. The third novel in the series is titled Being Merry and has a holiday theme interwoven into the story.

Being Hospitable is the exciting first novel in the Desert Rose Hook-Ups series of novels by Meka James. If you love romance stories then be sure to give this series a try and see what you think!

When it comes to having house guests, it isn’t always the most fun thing in the world. Depending on who is coming over to stay, it can be very tough. Then again, with certain house guests, you don’t always mind that they’re staying over. It’s true that some are enticing while others you rush to keep them from inviting themselves over to stay.

Main character Kiki Jenkins likes her down time, but she is having a house guest coming over that means she’s going to have to give up some of that quiet time that she’s been used to. It’s the younger sister of her best friend, so how could she say no to opening up her door and extending the warmth of her home?

The last thing that she saw coming was that she would be attracted to her new guest. But once Charley shows up, Kiki starts to find that is exactly what is going on. They’re now new roommates, but Kiki is having a tough time dealing with all of the flirtation, the innuendos, and the panties that Charley wears. Even though she’s finding herself in the middle of a new taboo crush, she also knows that Charley can’t be hers. The girl is off limits, and Kiki knows all of the reasons why that is. So why is it proving so hard to stay away?

When it comes to her life, Charley Graham has always wanted to get out from under the shadow of being the little sister of her brother. She doesn’t want others to see her that way, and that includes Kiki. In fact, when it comes to romance, Charley would really like if Kiki saw her as something more than that.

When it comes to a new internship she’s landed, Charley sees it as a great chance for Kiki to see her as her own person. With a plan ready to go, Charley vows that she’s going to use the closeness provided by their living situation to get Kiki to see her as a romantic interest. She has no idea whether Kiki will feel the same way, but it’s worth a shot.

They were only supposed to live together for a brief amount of time, but the temporary arrangement soon is proving to work really well. Could a spark turn into a flame? Will Charley be staying at Kiki’s for longer than she originally intended and maybe even make it her permanent residence? Read this steamy novel to find out what happens!

Being Cordial is the second novel in Meka James’s Desert Rose Hook-Ups fictional series of novels. If you are a romance novel fan or loved the first book, then give this sequel a try!

When it comes to your neighbors, using the chance to get to know them a little bit better can be beneficial. Main character Lana Martin thinks of herself as a practical person. She makes decisions using her spreadsheets, trusting them to influence how she makes choices. That’s just how she has chosen to live for so long.

Having this approach makes her feel secure. It’s a safe and logical method that just is comfortable at this point, and it’s never let her down. But she’s starting to move away from it thanks to her neighbor, who she finds annoying but actually has yet to meet on a formal level. The neighbor would be Emilio Ramirez.

Emilio doesn’t take life too seriously or overthink it. He enjoys having fun, enjoying himself, and going with the flow. Second guessing things just isn’t him. He’s always seen himself as friendly and thinks others like them. But his neighbor next door always seems to wear a scowl when she sees him.

Sure, he plays his music out loud sometimes, but is that really bothering her? Emilio is determined to get to know Lana better and find out what’s going on. Will it turn to romance as time goes on? Read this book to find out!