Order of Katherine Bolger Hyde Books

Katherine Bolger Hyde Books In Order

Publication Order of Crime With The Classics Books

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Publication Order of Picture Books

Growing up in America, the author Katherine Bolger Hyde would always hold a strong fascination for the written word, something that she would continue to nurture throughout the years. Taking in inspiration of all kinds, she would always be looking at different writing styles and techniques with which to help build upon her style and writing methods used. This would be something that she would take on to university, as she would go on to gain a degree in Russian literature, something which allowed her to gain a fresh perspective upon the art-form.

With a strong love of both alliteration and literature, she would go on and continue to expand upon her backlog of ideas, along with building her profile as a writer too. Over the years she would continue to expand upon this, something which saw her taking a position up at ‘Ancient Faith Publishing’, whereby she was the editorial director there for quite some time. Now living with her husband in Santa Cruz County in California, they both live together with the youngest of their four children, as she continues to put out work regularly and consistently into the foreseeable future.

Writing Career

Bringing out her first full book in 2016 she made a considerable debut onto the literary scene with the title ‘Arsenic With Austen’, a book which would also cement her life-long love of the classics as well. Not only did she use it as the springboard into a new career, though, but she also managed to create the first in her series of ongoing ‘Crime with the Classics’ books. She would also write a stand-alone book in 2016 with the children’s novel ‘The Dome-Singer of Falenda’, along with the picture book ‘Lucia: Saint of Light’ back in 2009.

With a past in writing for children she manages to capture a highly vivid and extremely evocative writing style of prose, on which really manages to bring her characters to life. Her love of Russian literature also allows her to write in a more in-depth style, along with creating labyrinthine mystery plots that really work at intriguing the reader and keeping them hooked throughout. With a whole range of different hobbies she is always kept busy out in the redwoods of Santa Cruz, with her constantly on the lookout for the next big idea, something that will carry on for a number of years yet.

The Dome-Singer of Falenda

Published through the ‘Oloris Publishing’ house, this was one of the first books to come from Katherine Bolger Hyde, as it would see her becoming more prolific as an author. This was a children’s novel that was first brought out in 2016 on the 16th of September to much acclaim, as it took the young reader on a journey of fantasy and magic. Clearly holding a gift for relating to her young readers, she would allow the story to come alive, thus cementing her reputation as a well regarded author of children’s fiction for years to follow.

Faced with a difficult life down on the planet Earth, the young Danny had a mother who disappeared when he was six, along with an alcoholic father who is now threatening to take him out of the school choir, as well as a group of school bullies who regularly torment him. All of this is adding up to be quite trying for him, something which all changes once he suddenly finds himself in Falenda, a magical land where everyone communicates telepathically. It is here that he meets the young Falendan Meli who, with his help, must save the land from almost certain destruction, as a great evil is looking to ensnare all those in the great crystal dome. Will he be able to save them all? What of his old life back on Earth? Who is the dome-singer of Falenda?

Bloodstains with Bronte

Brought out through the ‘Minotaur Books’ publishing label this time, this was first released in 2017. Published on the 12th of December, it was to be the second title in the ongoing ‘Crime with the Classics’ series of novels. With the franchise already underway, Hyde is clearly and confidently in her stride here.

Like the previous novel in the series, this is set on the Oregon Coast with the character of Emily Cavanaugh returning once more. Set within the darkened hallways of the Windy Corner mansion that she’s inherited a mystery is afoot. Creating a writer’s retreat from the home, a few of those staying start to show an unhealthy amount of interest in the young housekeeper there, before finally a murder takes place. Who is really guilty, though? Can they find the killer before it’s too late? What will happen when they find bloodstains with Bronte?