Order of Peter Clement Books

Peter Clement Books In Order

Publication Order of Dr. Earl Garnet Books

Publication Order of Dr. Richard Steele Books

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Publication Order of Short Stories/Novellas

Peter Clement is a professional physician and author from America, who likes to write mystery and thriller novels. He has served as the Emergency chief in a major teaching hospital in a metropolitan. Clement has also served as Family Medicine’s chief, and has remained in practice with his MD for a period of more than 30 years. As an author, he is renowned to have written the Earl Garnet books based on the medical thriller genre. With the books, Critical Condition and Mutant, author Clement has introduced his fans to a couple new characters named Kathleen Sullivan and Richard Steel. Sullivan is described as a famous geneticist and is quite brilliant in her work with the genes. Richard Steele is shown as an ER doctor, who lives a widowed life after the death of his wife and tries to maintain a balance between his job and performing his duties as a single parent in raising his teenage son. The recent couple of books written by author Clement are also parts of of the Earl Garnet novel series. Clement’s latest book, The Darkness Drops, describes the story of the Dr. Terry Rider’s dark world. Terry is depicted as a man who gets charged with preventing biological attacks from happening in the American soil. He likes to call it shadow dancing due to the fact the forces that he has to deal with are invisible similar to the micro armies that they would attack with. Such forces are found in the bio-weapon programs run by the state and in the arms merchants networks. They would sell deadly organisms to anyone offering them handsome money. In spite of the high level of difficulty, Dr. Rider feels feels at home with his work as ER physician. While dealing with damaged brains, sepsis, failing hearts, shock, and overwhelming trauma, Rider shows excellent skills as a critical care artist. He seems to have an upper hand because of his ability to think visually. Just like a master chess player, this ability helps Dr. Rider to read the events and think a few steps ahead. Terry Rider is able to anticipate what could possibly go wrong before someone else realizes the existence of a risk. In the emergency room, Rdier’s visual thinking helps him save lives, turning him into a hero. But, in everyday life, he becomes too paranoid with it. The deadly game of bio-terror drives him crazy.

In all the books of author Clement, the use of insider’s take on science and medicine can be seen effectively. It helps in exploring the fault lines where things generally go wrong, and in providing gripping and vivid depictions of a medicine life. The readers are made to experience how it feels to be inside the head of an ER physician, to experience fear, doubts, and uncertainties, and the adrenaline rush that are actually the reality on the other side of the professional exterior. In writing his novel Therapy, author Clement took too much time, nearly 5 years. Now, feels that he took too long to write a short story like Therapy. Sometimes, he thinks of apologizing to the readers for doing things opposite to their expectation. However, he feels that he himself gets surprised sometimes by the creativity process and its time frame. As of today, author Clement runs a private practice. He manages his time between writing and medicine, and considers this mix of jobs as absolutely perfect for him. Clement stays with his beautiful partner and a couple of sons.

The Dr. Earl Garnet series written by Peter Clement is comprised of 5 books in total, which were released between the years 1997 and 2004. An initial book of this series is entitled ‘Death Rounds’. It was released in 199 by the Fawcett publication. Author Clement has set the plot in Buffalo’s St Paul Hospital. At the start of the book, it is shown that a nurse dies at the hospital due to a known bacteria. When Earl Garnet hears about the death, he remains calm and joins his colleagues in trying to track the sickness’s origin to the University Hospital. The infection becomes out of control and results in many other people falling ill. Even Earl’s wife gets infected with the bacteria. Earl Garnet’s study of the bacteria helps him establish a surprising connection between the infected victims. Soon, the whole community gets filled with paranoia and panic. Earl suspects that the mastermind behind this bacterial attack might be someone he knows very well and who may be locked inside a prison. When Earl confronts the sociopath, he informs Earl that he is going to infect 50 more people, which will serve as the beginning of a major outbreak in the whole city. With this intriguing plot, author Clement has captured the complex workings of a city hospital very well. The thrilling story ranges from the microbiology realm to the raw human rage through a chilling plot.

The next novel of the thriller series is called ‘The Procedure’. It was also released by Fawcett in 2001. Author Clement has described the events of this book’s story as taking place in St Vincent Hospital, located in Buffalo, New York. At the beginning of the story, it is depicted that death happens on a daily basis in St. Vincent Hospital. When an 18 month old baby dies, Dr. Garnet puts the blame on an influential HMO and charges him with practicing no fault murder. By doing so, Dr. Garnet seems to have broken modern medicine’s cardinal rule. The HMO gives a striking reply by announcing the boycott of the hospital. Later, a doctor from the hospital is found murdered in the parking lot. Garnet faces the blame of instigating chaos, but he knows that he has to face more attacks in the coming days. Garnet suspects that the dead doctor might have unravelled the conspiracy that spread from the HMO’s office to a small clinic located in Mexico. In order to bring out the truth, Dr. Garnet must dig deep into the surreal and murky workings of the industry of health care in the modern world. The book is full of tough, smart, vivid, suspenseful elements. Once again, author Clement proved that he is a brilliant storyteller and a first rated physician.