Order of Ella Fields Books

Ella Fields Books In Order

Publication Order of Deadly Divine Books

Publication Order of Gray Springs University Books

Publication Order of Magnolia Cove Books

Publication Order of Royals Books

Publication Order of Surface Rust Books

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Publication Order of Anthologies

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Ella Fields is a published author of fiction. She is known for writing engaging stories that fall into the genre of contemporary romance or new adult romance.

Ella is married and has a husband that she shares two children with. They live in Australia and also share their home with a variety of pets. The author enjoys living in what is known sometimes as ‘the land down under’ and always finds things to do when her younger children are in school. For instance, she might be going over her books and characters and talking about them to her pet dog and cat, named Grub and Bert.

They say that you have to get those ideas out and realize them and if talking to your pets helps Ella crank out the romantic stories that she is so known for, so much the better! In addition to loving romance books as well as coming up with her own versions of happily ever after, Ella will always happily find the time to enjoy some chocolate. Besides hoarding chocolate and various notebooks, one of her favorite thing to do is devise a happy ending for her characters, who often have worked hard enough that they deserve them.

Ella Fields has since transformed from her early days in her fledgling career to a best-selling author on a local and international level! Ella has made the top author charts of publications such as USA Today for her books, and has no plans of stopping yet. On top of loving chocolate and of course love itself, she has a deep passion for words and magic.

Ella also likes to go into the various mayhem posed emotionally by the ‘what if’ moments that could be in different romance genres.

Ella Fields created and wrote the Gray Springs University series of fictional romance novels, which started off in 2018. This is when the debut novel Suddenly Forbidden was released for the first time. It was quickly followed by the second installment of the series, which is titled Bittersweet Always.

Suddenly Forbidden is the first novel in the Gray Springs University series by Ella Fields. If you have been looking for something new to read that has a bit of romance contained inside, this is a story that you should check out!

The main characters in this story are Daisy and Quinn, two friends that always felt like they were meant to be in each others lives. From an early age, they knew each other, and once they grew up Daisy always just sort of thought that Quinn would always belong to her. But then she has to say farewell, and feels her heart break into a million pieces.

Daisy never thought that they were supposed to be apart, but then it ended up happening. She feels bitter and regretful, and had no idea that there might be another girl out there just ready to take her spot of being the girl by the side of the guy of her dreams. She would have made an effort to hold on a bit more if that were the case.

Now it has been two years that have gone by, and Daisy and Quinn have a shot at being together and embracing true love again. They always planned on being here together, and now the entire plan that they crafted together is coming apart and not being fulfilled at all. Daisy knows that she kept her promise that she made all those years ago, but he had forgotten about his.

Now Daisy has to contend with starting college on her own and dealing with the fact that she doesn’t have Quinn by her side. Worse than that, he has moved on with someone else. The most terrible part of all of this is that the person he has taken up with is her former best friend. So Daisy is getting betrayal on all sides, losing first her guy and then her friend.

Now she has a broken heart that she’s starting college with and isn’t excited about it at all. Who would be when she thought that she was going to be able to start the school year with her sweetheart and instead has no one? This is just the type where you’re supposed to flip your hair over your shoulder and decide that you’re going to rebound and meet someone new.

Daisy wants to smile once more, but she also is not at all ready to start dating again. She would love to make him jealous, but she also is still desperately in love with her former boyfriend. Can she pull it all together? Does their relationship stand a chance at being rekindled once more? Pick up a copy of Suddenly Forbidden to find out what happens with Daisy and Quinn!

Bittersweet Always is the engaging second installment of the Gray Springs University by Ella Fields! If you thought that the events of the first book were hot and heavy, check out the dramatic and emotional sequel in this romantic series for yourself.

The main character in this book is a young woman named Pippa James. She has always felt that she was not directly looking for love but wasn’t avoiding it either. The last thing that she was ready for was a guy like Toby Hawthorne. She never thought that she would find love at college, but somehow in the middle of all the things that she was doing by looking or not looking, he appeared and found her.

Pippa fell for this guy quickly, but she doesn’t know everything. When she discovers that Toby is fighting a battle every day of her life, it’s already too late. She is in too deep emotionally to want to leave, and she wants every part of him, no matter how broken or lost. She loves him, and that might be enough to help him. Or is that just her own foolish hope?

Pick up a copy of the second novel in the Gray Springs University series by Ella Fields to find out what happens!