Order of Ella Maise Books

Ella Maise Books In Order

Publication Order of Alexander & Maya Books

Publication Order of Love & Hate Books

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Ella Maise
Ella Maise is an American writer of classic romance for adults. She is a Washington Post Best Seller, and an International Best Seller.

Even though she is a romance author, she never plots her books around the sex scenes. She believes that she can’t force her characters to have sex and just waits until the right moment to let it happen. This means that her novels are more concerned with her characters’ emotions rather than just pure erotica.

Ella takes about a month to write the first draft of her novels and then another month of polishing and editing the book.

She loves nothing more than to escape from real life to discover those few magical moments in a novel. Ella loves how it’s got the power of stealing all your worries away, putting a smile on your face even when smiling is the furthest thing from your mind. Crushing on the fictional characters is just a bonus. Through her words, if she is able to make just one person smile, it means that she’s done her job well.

Writing became her world and she cannot imagine herself doing anything other than creating new characters and telling their stories. Writing simply makes her heart burst with happiness. And all the sleepless nights, the hard work, and all the anxiety which comes along with publishing, it’s all worth it in the end.

“Lost Prelude” is the first novel in the “Alexander and Maya” series and was released in the year 2015. Her name is Maya, and she isn’t the same girl that she was last month. There’s this emptiness that she carries around in her chest now. A broken heart that was caused by grief. There are also some dark nights where she has trouble breathing while feeling the heavy weight of loss that rushes through her veins, some painful moments where she can remember her whole being screaming out in agony while holding onto her dad’s lifeless and cold hand.

Then there’s always a hero in every story, right? One that Maya despised the very moment he opened up his mouth.

His name is Alexander, and he is her inevitable that she never expected she’d find. The one that her broken heart leads her to. His touch and existence, everything that he did to make her pain bearable is going to leave a mark on her for good. But she knows that when she is gone, he is only going to remember her as just a fading memory.

This is a beautifully written novel, so breathtaking and moving, and the two leads are well developed and deep. Each part of the book is sure to reach your heart, and crush it slowly but surely. There are even some pretty funny one liners in the book, too.

“Lost Heartbeats” is the second novel in the “Alexander and Maya” series and was released in the year 2015. He’s Alexander, and he’s not a hero at all. Not when he couldn’t even save the small heartbeats that he was supposed to guard with his life.

When a fist closes around his heart after a death brings him down to his knees, he goes after the woman he had been craving for months at last. Not only because her gorgeous face is the one thing which slips through the pain when he closes his eyes, but also because she has carved a place for herself in his heart secretly, which leaves him no choice.

However if he does this, if he makes himself believe that he does deserve her, are the decisions he makes going to ruin everything there is between them? Is she going to accept the fact that she does not get to leave him two times?

Readers love Ella’s writing, and her way with words, and in these two novels, they hook you into the world of Alexander and Maya. Ella does a fantastic job of writing novels that get your emotions involved, requiring you to have tissues on hand. Yet she still includes touches of humor throughout.

“To Love Jason Thorn” is the first novel in the “Love and Hate” series and was released in the year 2015. Jason Thorn is her brother’s friend from childhood. How stupidly in love with that boy Olive used to be. He was the first boy that made her blush, and her first official crush. Sounds rather beautiful thus far, yeah? Those famous butterflies you feel the first time and the excitement that bubbles up inside of you; he was the reason for all of it.

However you only get to live in this fairy tale world until they crush your dreams and hopes before stomping on your heart for good measure. Boy did he end up crushing her little heart into tiny pieces.

Then after the stomping part he was the boy Olive did her best to keep away from, and it was tough to do when he slept in the room right across from hers. When tragedy struck his family and they had to move away, she was ready to just forget that he ever existed.

Now he’s a movie star, one that makes women of any age go into a screaming frenzy, the one that makes all of em smile with that dimpled smile he’s got. Olive doesn’t think any of that’s dreamy. Still not dreamy is coming face to face with him. Not when she’s unable to look him square in the eye.

Olive is a new writer. THE writer of the book which inspired the film he’s going to star in for the big screen. Lately, she’s also being referred to as the oh-so-very-lucky girl that is soon to become Jason Thorn’s wife. None of this is dreamy by a long shot.

Ella delivers a sweet lighthearted and adorable read, and Jason and Olive have palpable chemistry with each other. They’re an incredible book couple to boot, and readers absolutely loved seeing the two together. There are multiple scenes that got some readers giggling and it’s such a sweet little novel.