Order of David Yoon Books

David Yoon Books In Order

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Publication Order of Non-Fiction Books

Publication Order of Arc of a Scythe Books

David Yoon is an upcoming American author of young adult, fantasy, contemporary, romance, and realistic fiction stories. He has recently completed the writing part of his debut novel called Frankly in Love, which is expected to come out in September 2019. Yoon has also started working on the second book of his career and is hoping to publish it in the next year. He has already started getting good reviews about his debut book and many critics have said that he is all set to have a bright future ahead in the field of novel writing. Author Yoon is the husband of NY Times bestselling American author Nicola Yoon. She helped him in getting through with the plot of his first book. Until now, he used to help her in drawing illustrations for her books and has even helped with the illustrations of her NY Times bestseller called Everything is Everything. Author Yoon was brought up in Orange County, California. Currently, he resides in Los Angeles along with his novelist wife and his daughter.

In August 2019, Yoon was labeled as Young Adult’s Next Superstar by Entertainment Weekly. He feels that the title is a little dramatic. Yoon considers himself a big nerd of office stationery and is credited to invest the Sorta note binder. In his debut book, Yoon has described the love story of a Korean-American boy, who fakes falling in love to actually fall in love. After finishing with the writing part of the manuscript, he submitted it to several publishers and got indulged in his civic duties. Yoon never expected to find a publisher for his book soon and thought that he will have to wait for some time. But, he got a response from a few publishers in only a few days. Yoon believes it was the most exciting day of his life when he received a call from one of the publishers that agreed to publish his manuscript.

The exciting rom-com story described in the book enabled it to become the hottest YA manuscript of 2018 and launched an auction for publishing, where Yoon received updates every minute. In only a few hours, as many as ten publishing houses were engaged in a bidding war for gaining the publishing rights of the manuscript. It eventually went to Penguin Young Readers, which also signed a 2-book deal with the author. Then, after a few months, Paramount Players and Alloy Entertainment acquired the film rights of the book one year before its publication. Yoon thinks that it has been quite a surreal journey for him. He claims that the novel has deep personal roots for him. Just like his author wife, Yoon has also been a writer all his life. He has penned short stories, books, and screenplays. However, he could not get the attention of the publishing world without mining his life’s depths.

Author Yoon says that his childhood in Southern Carolina laid the foundation for his debut book. It has a similar setting and revolves around a 16-year-old boy named Frank Li. Yoon has described Frank as experiencing tougher challenges than what he had to endure in his childhood, such as lacking belonging, facing seismic cultural differences, and being prevented from dating girls not hailing from Korea. The latter is what author Yoon has used to create a romantic comedy story. Yoon also says that his book is not just about romance. It is a light, fun story and also explores the relationship between the lead character and his parents.

Yoon considered his parents a huge mystery while growing up. They used to be away from his for long hours during work and displayed racism towards ethnic groups other than theirs. As war survivors, they approached life with the belief that everything is ephemeral. Author Yoon is scared about how his mother would react after reading his book because he has discussed a large part of the life of his parents. He wishes he could have been the kid that he has portrayed his main character as. Also, Yoon wishes to have had conversations with his parents that the character has in the book. When the novel comes to an end, the readers are left asking how to accept people for what they are without wanting them to be someone else and how to love such a person?

The debut book written by author David Yoon is entitled ‘Frankly in Love’. It features the primary character in the role of a Korean-American kid named Frank Li. The other essential characters mentioned in the novel include Brit Means and Joy Song. Frank Li is introduced as a high school senior. He is called as Limbo, a term given to those Korean-American children who are caught between their upbringing in Southern California and the traditional expectations of their parents. The parents of Frank Li have just one rule for him, that is, he can romance only with a Korean girl. Frank follows this rule as much as he can, but things begin to get complicated when he falls in love with a non-Korean girl named Brit Means. Brit is a beautiful, smart, and a white girl. She has attracted Frank Li because of her good looks and her smart brain. Later, Frank finds out that a fellow Limbo named Joy Song is also stuck in a similar situation. They come together and form a pact to ease out their situation. As per their pact, Frank and Joy pretend that they are in love with each other. This way, they can save themselves from the trouble of facing their parents for dating a partner outside their ethnicity.

The plan also ensures their freedom to date their non-Korean partners without the knowledge of their parents. Frank Li is overjoyed, thinking that it is a perfect plan. But, he ends up wondering whether he ever understood love in the real sense or even himself at all. This book has everything in it to make it an exciting read and achieve success. The book is filled with amazing characters and explores the complicated relationships within a family. It also contains humor along with romance. Yoon is confident that readers will not feel let down after reading this book and rather enjoy having a good time.