Order of Heather Demetrios Books

Heather Demetrios Books In Order

Publication Order of Dark Caravan Cycle Books

Publication Order of Something Real Books

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Publication Order of Non-Fiction Books

Publication Order of Anthologies

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As an already well-established author, Heather Demetrios is best known for the Caravan Cycle and something real series. Apart from writing, Demetrios loves cruising around the world and spending her free time in imaginary places. Despite the fact that Demetrios was born and raised in Los Angeles, she currently resides in the East Coast together with her husband. Due to her creativity and exceptional writing skills, Heather Demetrios has already received an MFA award in writing for both Young Adults and Children. Furthermore, she is also a recipient of the New England Discovery Award for her very first novel, Something Real.

Exquisite Captive

Exquisite Captive is the first book in the Dark Caravan series. In this book, we are introduced to one Nalia who is a Jinni who possess tremendous powers. Nalia is the only survivor of a coup, which killed everyone that she either knew or loved. After the coup, she is captured, stuffed inside a bottle and then sold by a merchant. Nalia now hides in a Caravan, the highly lucrative jinni trade between earth and Arjinna, where the jinnis are forced to fulfill the wishes of their masters and also obey their commands. Nalia is more than willing to give up everything or anything so that she can be free of the shackles, which bind her to an exceedingly handsome yet cruel master, Maleek.

Apart from Maleek and Nalia, the author also introduces Raif. Raif is not only an enigmatic front-runner of Arjinna’s revolution but also Nalia’s sworn enemy. After seing Nalia in distress, Raif promises to free her from the shackles that bind her to her master so that she can return home and free her captured brother. However, Raif vows to do all this for an unbearable price. Despite all his promises, Nalia is not sure as to whether he can be able to trust him fully. However, irrespective of everything, Raif is her only chance. With all her sworn enemies looking searching everywhere for Nalia, Earth has indeed become more dangerous than she had previously imagined.

Despite the fact that there were several parts of the story which may make some readers quite uncomfortable, the author’s storytelling ability is immensely sweeping. The plot in this book was quite amazing and will keep you on the edge of your seat throughout. Everything in the book from world building to the mythology of the story to the characters is absolutely perfect. This book and the other installments have been inspired by the Arabian Nights.

Blood Passage

Blood Passage is the second installment and just like all the other books in the Dark Caravan series and features lots of twists and turns. In the previous installments the story is narrated from Nalia’s, Raif and from time to time Haran’s P.O.V. However, in this installment, the author has broaden the storyline by including Malek and Zanara’s point of view. The Blood Passage begins from where the first installment had left off. Everyone is currently on their way to Morocco to locate the ring which hands the wearer the power to control all Jinn’s. The ring is known as Solomon’s sigil. Raif is determined to obtain the ring so that he can use it against his enemy Calar, who is the ruler of Arjinna. On the other hand, Maleek is keen on acquiring the ring so that he could enhance his own powers and also use it to revenge against his own father.

Like the first book in this series, Blood Passage is full of turns and twists. Furthermore, it is also full of heartache and deep tragedy. In every new chapter, we are led to new territories and in each of these territories; there are new villains that the main characters have to deal with. Apart from the adrenaline-charged action, the author allows the reader to look deeply into the minds and hearts of the readers. You will undoubtedly appreciate the author’s ability to create exceedingly strong characters who struggle when faced with tough circumstances. After the original cast has successfully passed through the City of Brass while looking for Solomon’s Sigil, they bump into an exceedingly powerful Jinni, Haraja who not only haunts the City of Brass but also has the ability to inflict madness on someone by bringing a person’s greatest fears in their minds. Despite the fact that Haraja manages to hide for the most part of the journey, she is eventually killed when found. All in all, as the second book in the series, Blood Passage builds perfectly on the foundations which were set in the first installment.

Freedom’s Slave

Freedom’s Slave is the third and final installment in the Dark Caravan book series. If you are a fan of Daughter of Smoke or the Bone series, then you will love this book. After being in exile for more than three years, Nalia is now ready to head back home and claim a throne which she has earned by right. However, unknown to Nalia, the gods had other plans. Nalia is forced to tolerate the terrors of the journey back to Arjinna. Along the way, Nalia discovers that it is going to take much more than overthrowing the tyrant Calar, so as to reclaim her throne. Apart from Nalia, the author also introduces the reader to Raif. Raif makes a return to Arjinna, though this time he is the commander of the rebellion. However, everything turns out to be exceedingly different than how he had expected them to turn out.

Despite the fact that his army has more men than before, he is steadily losing trust over his peers over his love for Nalia. However, irrespective of everything, Nalia together with the entire rebellion are unaware of the insurgency which is brewing within the ranks of Calar. Due to the use of dark magic and the evil experiments, the land of Arjinna is dying. Furthermore, the strength of Arjinna together with her psychic powers is slowly destroying Arjinna. Will Raif and Nalia together with their enduring love be more than enough to rescue and restore their homeland?