Order of Kika Hatzopoulou Books

Kika Hatzopoulou Books In Order

Publication Order of Threads That Bind Books

Kika Hatzopoulou is a young adult fantasy fiction novelist who is best known for her “Threads That Bind” series of novels. She is an author who is known for penning stories for all ages, full of all manner of whimsy and lore.

The author published “Threads That Bind” her debut novel in 2023 while the sequel came out in 2024. In addition to her novels, she is also the author of several short stories that have been published in anthologies such as “Firsts & Lasts” and “Game On.”
Kika holds a Master’s in Fine Arts in children’s fiction which she earned from the New School and also works a day job in foreign publishing.

When she is not writing her novels or working in publishing, she can usually be found enjoying gastronomical adventures and urban quests while narrating entire movie and book plots with her partner.

Hatzopoulou currently splits her time between her native Greece and London and usually connects with her fans and readers on social media profiles on TikTok, Instagram, and Twitter.

She encourages fans to sign up for her newsletter where they can get up to date on resources for writers, news, music recs, exclusive content, books, and events every two weeks.

Growing up, Kika Hatzopoulou was a retailer of all manner of stories.

She was still very young when she began writing stories that found their inspiration from movies and books she had seen and thought they could be better with a different side character, or when exploring a larger or smaller element of that world.
Kika used to pen her stories on pieces of paper in her native Greek, which she would then store in a drawer in her desk never to see the light of day again.

When she was about 10, she came across “The Princess Diaries” and got hooked on the friendships, humor, and voice-y narration of Mia Thermopolis. Kika felt like she was in dreamland and could not have been more elated to read the books.
During her childhood, she consumed every Meg Cabot novel she could find and was greatly disappointed when she heard that the Greek publisher who had the rights did not plan to publish any more books in the series.

When she was older, she went to college and studied creative writing to graduate with a bachelor’s degree, even though she continued writing all manner of books.

Reading actively and critically, she has always sought new knowledge which has been critical since she writes in nonnative languages. She still makes mistakes and her nemesis is homonyms, even though she has been improving in leaps and bounds.
In recent times, she has been consciously trying to bridge the gap between Greek and English, borrowing metaphors and words, playing with syntax, and incorporating narrative elements from Greek into her writing.

“Threads That Bind,” which is her debut novel came out of a necessity to retell the many stories she loved reading, on her own terms.

The novel brings together elements of Greek culture that take many forms.

There is the main character who is descended from the Greek Fates and makes her home in a half-sunken city akin to Athens.

There are also tropes that Hatzopoulou always wanted to reinvent and loved such as the soulmate romance, the noir mystery, and the post-apocalyptic settings.

Kika Hatzopoulou’s novel “Threads That Bind” is a work set in a world in which the descendants of the gods inherit their powers.

One of these is a descendant of Fates from Greece who needs to solve a series of intricate murders if she is to save her city, her soulmate, and her sisters.

The Fates always have their children in threes: one to draw, one to weave, and one to cut the threads that connect people to life and the things they love. In this regard, the Ora sisters are just like all the other descendants of the Fates.
The youngest is Io, who makes use of her magical abilities in her work as a private investigator in Alante the half-sunken city.

Her latest job leads her toward a terrible discovery: someone has been kidnapping women, maiming their life threads, and letting loose the wraiths in the city to maim and kill.

To find him, she needs to work alongside the right hand of the Mob Queen Edei Rhuna. They will also have to work with the boy with whom she is linked as a soul mate through a Fate thread.
However, things turn personal when her eldest estranged sibling turns up as the girlfriend of the lead suspect.

Amid her growing feelings for the queen and uncovered secrets from the past, she will need to follow several clues and walk the darkest corners of the city to unravel a conspiracy that involves some of the most powerful people in the land.

“Hearts That Cut” by Kika Hatzopoulou is a much anticipated and heart-pounding sequel to the debut novel of the “Threads That Bind” series of novels.

Io the lead is facing more powerful and dangerous players as she discovers what it means to defy or follow her fate. It has been several weeks since she left Alante in search of the golden threat but she has had no luck locating the god on the other end.
Most of her days are spent in grueling constant travel and her nights are all about worrying about the thread of fate she shares with the queen, which has recently been fraying.

Even worse, she and Bianca have realized that their only lead has managed to elude them, as it disappeared once it snapped the golden thread.

The good thing is that Io has gathered some crucial clues earlier and her investigations lead her across the Wastelands, where she has to unravel a mystery of several sibling disappearances that she believes are linked to the homicides in Alante.
They soon uncover a terrible plot and the more she learns, the more she suspects that the future of the world has to rest on her shoulders. To make any headway, she will need to determine how much of her future is her fate and how much is simply choice.