Order of Melanie Hansen Books

Melanie Hansen Books In Order

Publication Order of Loving a Warrior Books

Publication Order of Resilient Love Books

Publication Order of Spectrum Nights Books

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Melanie Hansen is an American of romance, fiction, gay and lesbian books best known for her Everything Changes series. She is the daughter of an air force dad and coincidentally married a man from the navy. Melanie Hansen worked as a courtroom reporter for thirteen years giving her the perfect experience and materials for her books. Her rich life experiences spread over her working life have enabled her to come up with hilarious and heartbreaking stories. Apart from writing, she transcribes for a deaf student. Currently, the author lives in Arizona with her two sons and husband.

The author has authored two book series, Resilient Love and Spectrum Nights which feature some wonderful books. She has also authored Love and the Exorcism and also Loving A Warrior. Most of her writing has been associated with her career life as a courtroom reporter that gave her an incredible opportunity to study and understand different life situations.

Everything Changes

Everything Changes is the first book in Resilient Love Series. It’s a story about two servicemen who have a dark past when serving in Afghanistan and who end up falling into love. The two characters McCarey and Jase DeSantis have been friends for a long time, but things turn hotter as emotions develop between them.
Mc Carey is a therapist for the war veterans while Jase is currently a rocky start but formerly a military EMT. Jase saved the leg of his friend by doing an amputation below his knee, and they later happen to meet after their time in Afghanistan. Jase has always kept his feelings to himself all along through ambulance shifts, band rehearsals and also willing groupies. He has feelings for Carey but does not know how to let them out as he fears that he could get a negative reaction from his friend.

Things, however, change when they meet in San Diego for music and fan. Jase has always longed for this change, but on the other hand, Carey finds himself in confusion doubts and the nature of true love. However, Jase is the rock for Carey as he happens to save his life on two occasions. Melanie brings out the pain that the two went through while they were at war in Afghanistan through the flashbacks which emotionally involves the reader. The two have characters that merge them well in that Jase is supportive, caring and very patient while Carey is strong and supportive for his friend. Their similarities make it easy for them to have a great time in the relationship since love is described by all those qualities that the two have and fitting into each other is made easy.
Hansen has given her readers a book that is worth reading. Her structure, language and characters create substantial attention in the story. Not only is the book romantic but also includes horrific incidences more so in the flashbacks which give it a refreshing taste. The author her given it her best and the love between the characters is well described and honestly points out the issues that lovers go through all the way from the start. She has touched on a very sensitive topic with a great deal of honesty. She gives the players different characters that enable her to bring out the themes that she has and this makes it a great piece pointing out the merging of characters that create a great story.

Signs Of Life

Sings Of Life is Melanie Hansen’s second book in The Resilient Love Series. It’s a book bringing out the hope of life and giving love a second chance after going through a hectic time in life.

Jeremy had a charming life where everything seemed to work for him. However, things turn to the opposite of his expectations giving him an almost impossible time in life as he goes through a loss of all that starting with the loss of his husband and later his child. This takes him through a very dark time in his life as he mourns the loss of all that he had. He manages to regain all that he had, but in the real sense, he is just an empty shell as he is unable to replace all that he had.

King places another character, kai in this story. He is a high school teacher and also has a great love for risk- kids. His past also has an issue as at one point he happened to pass through the law while a teen which ended up causing a trauma in him since he landed him behind bars. However, despite all that he worked himself up until he had a stable life although it had no time for a relationship.

While at a gay pub he happens to meet with Jeremy and their encounter spark something between the two of them. Jay who has been in total peace without a relationship is afraid that it might cause a hectic problem which leaves kai very disappointed and also humiliated. Things do not end there as things turn to the favor of Kai with the two going into turmoil of events that push them closer. Jeremy has to push past the pain of his past so that they can move into a relationship with Kai.

They spend more time with each other, and this brings them closer past their fears. Together they go past the hardships and begin to understand their differences to create a relationship as they help each other in dealing with their pains to give a chance for the love that the two of them do have. As the story progresses, it becomes more emotional, and the two fit perfectly into each other’s lives.

Hansen has carefully crafted a satisfying read. The story definitely will create emotions for you as you get to read through the events that the characters pass through. She has a great way of developing her characters giving them realistic traits making the story incredible. Melanie Hansen has a unique style that introduces her stories to grab the attention of a reader all through which also does include the element of suspense.