Order of Stephanie Hudson Books

Stephanie Hudson Books In Order

Publication Order of Afterlife Saga Books

Publication Order of Afterlife Academy Books

Publication Order of Garnet Dagger Mafia Books

Publication Order of The HellBeast King Books

Publication Order of King of Kings Books

Publication Order of Kings of Afterlife Books

Publication Order of Lost Siren Books

Publication Order of The Shadow Imp Books

Publication Order of Transfusion Saga Books

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Publication Order of Picture Books

Publication Order of Anthologies

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About Stephanie Hudson

A highly renowned author of paranormal and romance novels, Stephanie Hudson is well known for her imaginative and innovative fantasy titles. Aiming her work at a Young Adult audience, she really understands the format that she’s working within, really making the most of it. Setting herself apart from other writers within her field, she’s a creative writer with a lot to say and offer the genre as a whole. Allowing the words to come alive on the page, her stories speak directly to the reader, as she communicates in a direct and straightforward manner.

There’s so much action taking place in each of Hudson’s stories, but she also knows exactly when to reign it all back in. An expert at her craft, she really understands how to manage her stories, ultimately allowing them to speak for themselves. Her fiction is both gripping and compelling, as she creates fantasy worlds that are entirely believable, immersing the audience into their rich landscapes. Letting her work really carry its own weight, she writes with both confidence and wit, making her work deeper and more profound in the process.

She’s a talented novelist when it comes to her extensive world-building too, creating vast and expansive universes. This sense of scope and scale is massively entertaining, allowing the reader to really explore the stories and series that she’s created over the years. A unique and individual voice within her particular field, Stephanie Hudson is unparalleled, becoming a household name for many. With her characters standing the test of time too, she continues to draw in readers from all around the world, as her audience grows day-by-day.

Early and Personal Life

Growing up with a strong fascination in the written word, Stephanie Hudson would start writing from an early age. This would continually develop throughout the years, allowing her to become an influential writer in her own right in time. Reading numerous fantasy novels, this would be something that she’d come to make her own unique name in.

Dealing with dyslexia, she was always determined to overcome any obstacles placed in her path, with her gift for storytelling shining through. Writing poetry as well as horror and romance, she would always be looking for new and exciting ideas to help inspire her. Still writing to this very day, she lives with her family, as she continues to put out stories and work at an ever consistent pace.

Writing Career

Starting out back in 2012, Stephanie Hudson begun her literary career with the novel ‘Afterlife,’ which was also the first in the ‘Afterlife Saga’ series. Later she would also go on to write the ‘Afterlife Chronicles’ series, which started in 2017 with ‘The Glass Dagger,’ and was illustrated by Caroline Fairbairn. Other series that she’d write were titled ‘Kings of Afterlife,’ ‘Transfusion Saga,’ ‘King of Kings,’ ‘Shadow Imp,’ and ‘Hellbeast King,’ as well as a stand-alone in 2019 titled ‘Devil in Me’ written with Blake Hudson.

Many of her books are set in the same universe, and continue ongoing arcs, so it’s best to begin at the start with most of them. Combining magic and drama to thrilling effect, she knows how to keep her audience on the edge of their seats, constantly turning the page. With an omnibus edition of her work too published in 2021 titled ‘The Stephanie Hudson Collection,’ she continues to be a prominent author with a lot more to follow.

Blood of the Infinity War

Originally brought out on the Kindle platform back in 2017 on the 12th of September, this would be the 10th book in the ‘Afterlife Saga’ series. Continuing on directly from the last, this would pave the way for the eleventh, ‘Happy Ever Afterlife, Part 1,’ released in 2018 one year later. It’s best that all the fantasy books are read in order here, so as to make the most of the series as a whole, with all the different character arcs and narrative strands.

Still learning what it really means to be ‘The Chosen One,’ Keira remains with the sands of the Persian desert beneath her feet. Chosen One to the King of Kings, she is held in the grip of Arsaces, as he’s set upon keeping, no matter what the cost is to him. The world is about to end though, and the prophecy has been foretold, with him fighting against everything to keep hold of her. Will he keep her within his grasp, can she save the world as The Chosen One, and what will become of the blood of the Infinity War?

Giving the returning fans everything that they could hope for here, this book works well on so many different levels. Hudson also makes her own voice heard, providing plenty of exciting twists and turns along the way, keeping it engaging and unpredictable. It’s a real testament to her skills as a writer that this works so well, from it’s well crafted characters to its ever engaging storyline.

The Reaper’s Book

Coming out through the Kindle platform yet again, this was first released in 2021 on the 31st of July to much anticipation. As a fantasy novel aimed at the Young Adult demographic, it’s a story that incorporates a whole variety of different elements into it. It’s also the third book in the ‘Afterlife Academy,’ so it’s best that the series is read in order, whilst Caroline Fairbairn also illustrates it.

Facing the truth once more, Theo must deal with the reality of being a Draven, as he copes with the responsibilities placed upon him. This takes him on a journey, and one that ends with a stone staircase deep underneath London’s surface, whereby he’ll really put his powers to the test. Entering the Afterlife Academy with his friends, he must face the reality of his nightmares, as he witnesses the Devil’s Ring, which is a fight club for the supernatural. Will he be able to deal with all, can he cope with the new reality he finds himself within, and what will become of the Reaper’s Book?

There’s so much to discover here as the book continually delivers exciting new twists in the story, really keeping the series alive. It’s hugely entertaining, as it makes for a well told entry into the franchise, clearly showing why readers continually come back for more. The characters also remain with the reader, as they’re left constantly rooting for them, invested in the plight of Theo as a key protagonist.