Order of Sarah Glenn Marsh Books

Sarah Glenn Marsh Books In Order

Publication Order of Fear the Drowning Deep Books

Publication Order of Reign of the Fallen Books

Publication Order of Picture Books

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Sarah Glenn Marsh is an American author.

Marsh has always been a fan and a reader of fantasy ever since the day that her father gave her The Hobbit. He said that her life would be changed by reading it and he was right! The author has been creating her own worlds steadily since.

Sarah is not only a reader of the fantasy genre but a writer in it too! She is constantly practicing her craft but when she is not busy doing that, she has a number of hobbies and things that she enjoys doing. These include hunting ghosts, painting, traveling, and checking out nerdy things.

The author lives in the United States and is married to her husband. They live in the state of Virginia in the city of Richmond along with all of their pet friends, like their bird, dogs, and fish!

Sarah Glenn Marsh created and wrote the fictional series of novels Reign of the Fallen. The first book would share the series’ name and it first became available to readers of all ages in 2018. It wouldn’t take long for the exciting second installment to be released in 2019, and it is titled Song of the Dead. Check out a fantasy series that some are calling ‘edgy’ and others are just reading as quickly as they can!

Reign of the Fallen is the first novel in the series of the same name by Sarah Glenn Marsh. In this original fantasy debut, readers get the opportunity to find out about an entirely new world featuring the main character of Odessa.

There are many master necromancers at work in Karthia, and Odessa is one of them. She and the others cater to the ‘ruling Dead’ of the kingdom. This means that whenever a noble happens to pass on from the land of the living, her job is to go to them and raise them. This means retrieval of their soul by going to a shadow world that is just as dream like as it is dangerous.

This land has a name– the Deadlands. Being raised costs a lot as the Dead have to be shrouded. If even just a little bit of their flesh ends up being exposed, it will not be good. That would set into motion a transformation that is most grotesque. At the end of it, the Dead will be turned into Shades, creatures that are both thirsty for blood and terrifying.

The kingdom starts to get a little suspicious and even a tad fearful when there is a sudden but dramatic increase in the amount of Shade attacks happening. It will not be long before the painful loss of Odessa’s close companions and friends shatters her into pieces. It will also end up revealing a conspiracy going on in Karthia that just might turn out to be true.

The hunch is that someone out there is creating the Shades on purpose. They’re doing all that they can to make these soldiers by getting the shrouds and tearing them off of the dead so that they transform and even training the Shades to attack other people.

Now it is up to Odessa to figure out whether her magic might be the singular thing that weakens the kingdom enough in the end. She will fight along other mages and a particularly powerful girl as they all work to try and get to the bottom of a plot and plan to take down Karthia to its destruction and demise.

The Shades and whoever is behind them might end up taking all that Odessa cares about and ripping it away. She can’t afford to let that happen. This is a book that includes LGBT romance themes and is unique enough so that once you read it, you will never forget it! If you love Game of Thrones or other creative fantasy series, give this one a whirl.

Song of the Dead is the second book in the Reign of the Fallen series by Sarah Glenn Marsh. When readers were last leaving Karthia and Odessa, they were dealing with an influx of Shades that could threaten their very way of life. Check out this sequel and pick up with the action in Karthia once more by reading this second installment!

For right now, all they know is that when it comes to the dead, it’d be better if they were buried. When it comes to the kingdom right now, Karthia just isn’t what it was before. The borders of the kingdom have been opened, the first occasion that it has been done in about three centuries.

Another change is that the process of raising the dead is now illegal. Odessa wants nothing more to get out beyond the waters of Karthia and try to explore what’s out there. She knows there’s more to the world, but she’s also hoping that she can heal her heart since it’s been broken countless times.

The voyage over the ocean will be tough, but she also Meredy joining her on the trip, so getting rid of any sadness might be tougher than she anticipated. Meredy and Odessa have taken on a journey that will bring them to a strange new land.

Here the night is ruled by the dead and they are fascinated when dragons are seen on the streets simply roaming. Meanwhile, Odessa is being captivated by a new type of magic that she sees there and also is starting to develop feelings for Meredy as well.

The two are getting to know this new place when suddenly Karthia has a crazy development that means that they must return. Meredy along with Odessa is finding that the political unrest along with threats from invaders means that they will be quickly right back where they started with ghosts from the past haunting them too.

Can their relationship stand the test that this world is putting them through? Getting a large enough force to make enemies go away might be tough. Danger is growing, and Odessa is worried that inventing weapons may not be enough without having the dead with them. Can she win this fight? Read this book to find out!