Order of Thomas Mogford Books

Thomas Mogford Books In Order

Publication Order of Spike Sanguinetti Books

Thomas Mogford is a published British author.

Thomas was born April 10, 1977. He was born in Oxford. He would study at Oxford, reading up and learning more about medieval and modern languages. Upon graduating, he was employed by ITV. He also had a strong passion for languages. He utilized this well by traveling to different countries such as Japan, Korea and Germany, all part of covering the FIFA World Cups.

Thomas then decided that he would like to switch careers. He chose to study law at City University in London as a postgraduate. He then decided it was time to start a legal thriller series that takes place in Gibraltar and the Mediterranean. He was inspired to create the Spike character in his fictional Spike Sanguinetti series after reading law at City University and going to Gibraltar while considering practicing there.

The author has been a journalist for Time Out and his writing has been published in the Guardian and EasyJet Traveller Magazine. He has also served as translator to the UEFA Champions League and European Parliament. His writing has been published in places such as Litro and has made the long list for the Bristol Short Story Prize. He is married and his wife is Ali Rea. They have a family together and reside in London.

Thomas Mogford is the creator and author of the Spike Sanguinetti series of fictional novels. The series first began in 2012 with the publication of the debut novel, Shadow of the Rock. Then came the second novel in 2013, Sign of the Cross. This was followed by the third novel, The Hollow Mountain. The fourth novel Sleeping Dogs came out in 2015. The fifth novel in the series came out in 2017 and is titled A Thousand Cuts. The series follows main character Spike Sanguinetti, a lawyer hailing from Gibraltar, through his career and moments in his life.

Shadow of the Rock made the short list when nominated for the category of best debut writer in the Crime Thriller Awards from ITV3. It was also named the book of the year by Spectator and was nominated for a Dagger Award by the Crime Writers’ Association, making the short list for the best debut novel category.

The second and third novels in the series made the shortlist for the eDunnit Award from Crimefest. Sleeping Dogs, the fourth book, was picked to be one of the best holiday reads from the Guardian. The first three books in the series have been optioned for television.

Shadow of the Rock is the first novel in the Spike Sanguinetti series by author Thomas Mogford. In this debut story, readers get the chance to meet the main character of Spike for the first time.

Spike Sanguinetti is a lawyer residing in Gibraltar. One humid night in the middle of summer he is surprised to find an old friend from his school days at his home. Solomon Hassan is waiting for him right on the doorstep of Spike’s house. Spike figures that there must be a reason for this unplanned visit, and he is right.

Solomon is in a bad situation, as he soon explains to Spike. He has been accused of a horrible crime. A Spanish girl was murdered in Tangiers, and he is the main suspect. However, Solomon tells Spike that he is totally innocent. However, his behavior has him looking almost like he is guilty of the crime.

Solomon got out of town and made it across the straits. However, authorities in Morocco are aware that he has left and have issued a demand that he return. Spike agrees to look into the case for his old pal and goes to Tangiers himself, attempting to try and delay Solomon’s extradition.

Solomon works for Dunetech, a company that specializes in renewable energy. His boss is Nadeer, who oversees the running of the company. The company is just about to finance a huge solar power site located in the Sahara, something that could be a large source of income for the company. Nadeer speaks to Spike and proposes an idea.

If the lawyer is able to get the trial delayed so that it takes place after the signing of the deal, he’ll do his personal best to get the Tangiers governor to stop the demand for extradition. The offer sounds decent, if not a little suspicious. Then Spike runs into a girl that tells him some interesting information. She believes that Dunetech is engaged in some type of scheme that is likely related to why her father suddenly went missing.

Spike’s now on a hunt to find out the truth of the matter while still attempting to represent his friend favorably. As he goes deeper into his investigation, the lawyer finds himself in a world full of lies, corruption, and secrets. Can he figure out what’s going on? Will he be able to get Solomon a decent result? Will Spike ever get to the bottom of the nature of Dunetech? Read this exciting novel to find out!

Sign of the Cross is the second novel in the Spike Sanguinetti series of fictional novels written by Thomas Mogford. In the first book, readers got a taste of what Spike’s life is like. Now they’ll follow him through what happens next in this suspenseful installment.

Spike’s life is slowly getting back to normal in Gibraltar after a chaotic journey on the behalf of a friend from school. Now finally calm is returning to his life. However, it’s bound to be short lived.

Spike is shocked when he hears the news that his aunt and uncle have died. Not just that, but it was apparently the result of a domestic fight that had spiraled out of control into a murder suicide case. The news is devastating.

Spike goes with his father to Malta to attend the funerals. He’s also going to execute the wills as a lawyer. But the more he investigates the deaths of his family members, he is increasingly forced to wonder why his mild uncle would murder his wife and then kill himself.

Spike meets up with his ex Zahra, a translator in Malta. Together they’re following a trail that could take them anywhere. Can he figure out what happened with his relatives? Or was the truth there all along? Read this novel to find out!