Order of Justin Fox Books

Justin Fox Books In Order

Publication Order of Jack Pembroke Naval Thrillers Books

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Publication Order of Children’s Books

Publication Order of Non-Fiction Books

Publication Order of Anthologies

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Justin Fox is a photographer, travel writer, and novelist from Cape Town South Africa. Until very recently, he was a photojournalist that also doubled up as an editor of South African leading travel magazine “Getaway.”
As such, he spent more than twenty years traveling the breadth and length of Africa photographing and writing stories for his magazine.

Fox attended Oxford University under a Rhodes scholarship and after getting his doctorate degree from the same institution, he decided to pursue other things.

He would attend the University of Cape Town as a research fellow and is still a part-time lecturer at the institution.

His works have been featured in a number of international publications and range from articles on art, travel, nature, literature, and history. Justin Fox’s poems and short stories have also been featured in a range of anthologies.
Over the years, the author published all manner of travel books which won him many awards. He now works as a novelist, part-time lecturer, photographer, and freelance writer. Fox published “Whoever Fears the Sea” his debut novel in 2021.

Fox first ever published work was a poem that he published while still a student. He was surprised when the work was accepted and featured in the 1992 Oxford and Cambridge Poetry Anthology.

Titled “The Departure,” it was a showcase of Justin Fox’s emotions as he left his native South Africa and went to the UK possibly never to return.

It was humbling and exciting to see his poem in a British publication and even more when he was asked to do readings at Oxford. As such, there is a lot of South African influence in his writings right from his family to how he was brought up.
One of his uncles was an Afrikaner poet and many notable poets used to frequent his house while he was growing up. As a teenager, he was a lot more into Afrikaans poetry. He loved how the homegrown and earthy language was able to capture the landscape, unlike any other language.

As such, Every work that Fox has penned is set in Africa or South Africa. His travelogues are all about his journeys across Africa, his novels are in East or South African settings, while his nature writings are all about rare African species.

As for influences, Justin Fox has said that Stephen Watson the landscape poet who was his mentor and undergraduate lecturer at the University of Cape Town has to be the most influential.
Much of Watson’s work is lyrical work that is concerned with the beauty of the Cape Peninsula and the Cederberg Mountains.

He also loves the works of England-based Douglas Reid Skinner in addition to the likes of Ingrid de Ko and Finuala Dowling, both from Cape Town.

Given that he is a professional editor and travel writer for “Getaway,” much of his poetry is about journeys. As such, he has also been influenced in theme by the poetry and prose of Beat poets.

In fact, he has spent time walking in the footsteps of beat poets in California. He also spends a lot of time traveling all over Africa jotting notes intended for his books and for journalistic purposes.
For the most part, he likes to think of himself as a travel journalist who spends half his time writing media posts and articles and editing photographs, and the other half writing his books.

“The Cape Raider” by Justin Fox is set in 1940 where Jack Pembroke made the decision to leave England his native home and go to Cape Town South Africa.

He is to join Admiral Pembroke his father as he has been severely wounded in every way following the evacuation at Dunkirk.

He believes that his days in the navy are well and truly over and leaves behind his friends with a small naval force that is supposed to take on the incoming attack from the Germans.
Against all odds, Jack soon finds himself back in the thick of the action as he is promoted to be the commander in charge of a flotilla sweeping for mines.

Unknown to Captin Pembroke, there is a Nazi ship that is heading to Cape Town intending to wreak havoc on all allied shipping.

Jack is working with a motley crew of seamen who are yet to fully trust him given that he is a foreigner.

The biggest task on his hands is to make them into a powerful fighting force that acts as one if he has to have any chance of fighting off a very dangerous enemy.
Jack summons his courage and strength which makes it possible for him to break through his wounded psyche, as he transforms himself into an excellent commander.

Justin Fox’s novel “The Wolf Hunt” is an action-packed military thriller set during the Second World War.

It is 1941 and Jack Pembroke has risen through the ranks to become a lieutenant living and loving his new home in Cape Town. But everything is set to change with the arrival of some dangerous Nazi enemies.

The Mediterranean has been shut down to maritime traffic for months and in North Africa, General Rommel has been crushing allied resistance and threatening a vital supply route to Egypt.

In the meantime, U-boats from Nazi Germany have been crippling the convoy route down the west coast of France. Meanwhile, Jack is working with a small anti-submarine group of ships based out of Simon’s Town where the Royal Navy has a base.
However, he has not had enough time to train his men and officers or prepare his ships for the upcoming attacks from the Nazi U-boats.

With the Cape coming under intense attacks, Jack is charged with escorting a critical convoy to Durban from Cape Town. However, the enemy ships have been lying in wait in the dark storm-ravaged seas and he may just not make it out alive.

“Whoever Fears the Sea” by Justin Fox opens to a world reeling from the aftereffects of the events of September 0/11.

The lead in the novel is Paul Waterson, a filmmaker who specializes in documentaries. He is planning on spending a month in East Africa researching the seafaring culture of the Swahili.
As he winds his way up the historic archipelago in Lamu, Kenya, he finds himself caught up in the search for the last remaining ancient craft that used to be stitched together with thread.
However, tensions are high as there have been several terrorist attacks in the region. Things take a turn for the worse when he goes against advice and gets on a boat that is heading to Somalia.
Soon enough, the vessel is kidnapped by Somali pirates resulting in an intriguing even if terrifying battle for survival full of turns and twists.

It is a work that combines a thought-provoking look into the turbulent history of Somalia with suspense-filled action.