Order of Maria Duenas Books

Maria Duenas Books In Order

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

A Spanish writer highly regarded for her unique take on the historical novel, Maria Duenas has become to regarded as one of the leading writers within her field to date. With an informed and extremely perceptive approach to the conventions of the period based novel, she has taken it forwards in new and exciting directions.

Early and Personal Life

Born and raised in the Spanish city of Puertollano in Ciudad Real, Maria Duenas was born on in the year of 1964. Growing up here many of her novels are thematically linked to her and her background, along with the rich cultural history of her country. With a lifelong passion for reading and writing as well, she soaked in ideas and experiences from her surrounding environment, something which can still be found in her work today.

With a PhD in English Philology from the University of Murcia, she also graduated from the Complutense University of Madrid. Her academic background has served her well, especially in her approach to writing, and her understanding of the subject matter. Well researched and crafted, she is able to write with an extremely high degree of accuracy on the subject, providing an in-depth analysis and insight into what she is writing about.

Working previously as a lecturer at a number of different universities across North America, she continues to maintain her academic standing. Seen as one of the leading authorities on her particular subject matter, she is extremely knowledgeable on what she writes about. Working as a professor at the University of Mucia at this present time, she currently still teaches to this very day.

Still writing full-time, she continues to maintain a highly visible presence both online and off, both in her role as an academic and as a writer. Currently living in Spain she also has television adaptations of her work, as she enjoys a hugely successful career. This is something that’s expected to continue on into the foreseeable future, as her writing career grows from strength-to-strength.

Writing Career

Making her breakthrough back in 2009, she first gained attention and success with her first novel ‘The Time in Between’, or ‘El tiempo entre costuras’ as it was originally known in Spanish. This was later followed up by her second novel ‘The Heart Has Its Reasons’, or ‘Mision Olvido’, which was released in 2012 to much acclaim as well. She also brought out ‘La templanza’ in 2015, which was her third novel and was also well received, following in the historical vein of her previous novels.

Largely known for focusing on period based novels, she has incorporated a number of different genres and ideas into her work over the years. These include elements such as romance and espionage, thriller and suspense, all combined to create a thrilling and engrossing narrative. With a highly precise level of accuracy she has been able to paint vivid portraits of times passed, mainly due to her extensive research.

Winning awards for her work too, she has managed to garner critical acclaim for novels over the years as well. Not only that, but she has had her first three books televised in Spain as well, adaptations which were also extremely well received upon release too. Seen as somewhat of an institution now by her many legions of fans, she is appreciated not just in Spain, but worldwide due to her translations overseas.

Lecturing and speaking about both her and her craft, Maria Duenas has become an extremely vocal personality within the industry. With a clear knowledge of both her and her craft she is a well regarded figure by both her critics and general readers alike. Planning a lot more books to be released in the near future, it doesn’t seem that she’s stopping anytime soon either, with a lot more titles set to come yet.

The Time in Between

Originally brought out through the ‘Atria Books’ publishing house, this was to be the first novel from Maria Duenas as an author. Released on the 8th of November in 2009 it was published to much acclaim, it being her debut release, thus establishing her presence on the literary scene. With a period setting it not only heralds the arrival of a prestigious new writing talent, but it also works at setting up many her core ideas and themes that were to follow.

A romance in much the same tradition as that of classics such as Casablanca, this sees Sira Quiroga abandoned in Morocco without a penny to her name. With her lover simply leaving her there she then goes about forging a new identity for herself, and soon she finds herself designing couture, as she provides much sought after garments to the German Nazi officers. This all changes though, following her secret messages passed on to the British Secret Service which she embroiders through code in the hem of the dresses she sends them. Will she be able to provide the British services with the information they need? Can she get away with it without getting caught? What will happen in the time in between?

The Heart Has Its Reasons

Released through the ‘Atria Books’ publishing label once again, this was to be the second standalone book from Maria Duenas as an author. Initially published in 2012 on the 11th of August it was a well regarded return to form for the now prestigious writer, as she delivered at the level her readers had now come to expect. Set in Spain this time, it features many cultural themes that were close Duenas, making this a far intimate and personal level than ever before.

Set in both the past and the present this sees one Blanca Perea as its leading protagonist, as she works as a college professor in Madrid. Things change though, when her husband leaves her after twenty years of marriage for another woman, which then sees her heading off to San Francisco to make some changes of her own. It is here that she learns of a mysterious dead Spanish writer, as she finds herself enveloped in the secrets of his past from many decades before. Who exactly is he? Can she find herself in San Francisco? How is that the heart has its reasons?