Order of Gareth Ryder Hanrahan Books

Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan Books In Order

Publication Order of The Black Iron Legacy Books

Publication Order of Lands of the Firstborn Books

Publication Order of Trail of Cthulhu RPG Books

Publication Order of Babylon 5 Non-Fiction Books

Publication Order of Inferno! Books

Publication Order of Warhammer Crime Books

Publication Order of Anthologies

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Gareth Hanrahan
Gareth Hanrahan took a three month break from computer programming to concentrate on his writing and it turned into over fifteen years. He has also written far more gaming books than he’s able to readily recall, by virtue of alchemical transmutation of guilt and tea into words.

He was one of the game designers that was included in the experimental community that was connected to Gaming Outpost. When Mongoose Publishing brought the writing of Paranoia in-house, Gareth oversaw it. And he also wrote the fifth RuneQuest setting, Hawkmoon: The Roleplaying Game.

He has received ENnie awards for Best New Game (Silver) for The Laundry RPG by Cubicle 7 in 2011 and the Best Rules (Silver) for Lorefinder: GUMSHOE Pathfinder Mashup by Pelgrane Press. He’s also been nominated for ENnie’s for Dead Rock Seven and Invasive Procedures for Best Adventure in 2012, an award he was nominated for again in 2013 for The Zalozhniy Quartet. He was also nominated for an Origins Award for Best RPG Supplement in 2014 The Heart of the Wild by Cubicle 7.

Gareth always had some vague plan of writing as a hobby, as he was always good at writing, and believed he would do a bit of freelance game design on the side while he had a real grown-up gig in IT. Except the IT company he worked for downsized in the year 2003, and he tried to see how long he was able to survive on freelancing money before he needed to be sensible and get another actual job.

It wasn’t until 2010 that he made any serious efforts at writing a novel. While writing the first novel, it was by far the longest piece of fiction he had ever written, and it was all done without any kind of plans for publication. Since he is a freelance writer by trade, he is much more used to having some kind of contract in hand when he begins writing. He felt incredibly selfish to take any extra time to go and work on a novel.

He has had bits of the plot and a few of the characters in the back of his mind for a long time before he actually wrote The Gutter Prayer. He feels that you never fully start a book from scratch, that some of the ideas are always drifting around for years, just waiting for the proper place to take root. When he needed to write a sequel to it, he was able to slot some of these concepts right into this already built world.

Gareth’s debut novel, called “The Gutter Prayer”, was released in the year 2019. His work is from the science fiction and fantasy genres.

“The Gutter Prayer” is the first novel in the “Black Iron Legacy” series and was released in the year 2019. A trio of young thieves get pulled into a centuries old magical war among mages, ancient beings, and humanity in this epic fantasy.

The city has always been yet it needs to finally end. When three thieves: a cursed man, an orphan, and a ghoul get betrayed by the master of the thieves guild, their quest to get revenge reveals some dark truths about their city. It also exposes a dangerous conspiracy, the seeds of which were sown a long time before any of them were even born.

Rat’s a Ghoul, whose people haunt the underworld of the city. Cari is a drifter whose future and past are much darker than she can know. Spar is a Stone Man, who is subject to this terrible disease which slowly petrifies his flesh. Chance brought each of them together, however their friendship could be the only thing that stands in the way of total Armageddon.

Set in a world of dangerous magic and dark gods, this is an epic story of thieves and sorcerers, revenge and treachery.

Readers found this to be a groundbreaking and extraordinary read, and Gareth proves that he has an astonishing imagination, and delivers a rich and compelling read with some original and dark wonders to behold. This is a captivating tale about a city that seethes with horror, hidden secrets, and history.

“The Shadow Saint” is the second novel in the “Black Iron Legacy” series and was released in the year 2020. Dangerous magic, thieves, and a weapon that was built with ability to destroy a god duke it out in this sequel.

Enter into a city of shadows and spires. The Gutter Miracle changed the whole landscape of Guerdon forever. Just six months after it was conjured, the labyrinthine New City became a haven for refugees and criminals.

Rumors spread about a devastating new weapon which is buried under the streets, a weapon that has the power to destroy a god. While Guerdon works to stay neutral, two the very most powerful factions in the whole godwar send agents out into the city to locate it. While tensions escalate and the armies gather at the borders, how long is Guerdon going to be able to keep all of its enemies at bay?

Readers found this to be genre defying fantasy at its best, and it is deeply twisted and incredibly inventive.

“The Broken God” is the third novel in the “Black Iron Legacy” series and was released in the year 2021. Enter into a city of darkness and dragons.

The Godswar has come to Guerdon, dividing this city among three occupying powers. As the fragile Armistice holds the gods back, there are other forces looking to extend their influence. The criminal dragons of the Ghierdana ally up with the surviving thieves, which includes Spar Idgeson, who was once the heir to the Brotherhood of Thieves and now transformed into the living stone of the New City.

At the same time, far on the other side of the sea, Spar’s friend Carillon Thay journeys toward the legendary land of Khebesh, however she, too, gets caught up in the Ghierdana’s schemes, as well as in her own past. Will she be able to find what she wants when even the gods are seeking vengeance against her?