Order of Courtney Alameda Books

Courtney Alameda Books In Order

Publication Order of Shutter Books

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Publication Order of Short Stories/Novellas

Publication Order of Anthologies

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Courtney Alameda
Courtney Alameda is a young adult fantasy writer. For most of her life, this veteran librarian and bookseller spent her time persuading people to read great books. It was only a matter of time before Alameda decided to join the list of authors creating great stories. The author’s debut novel was nominated for the Bram Stoker award, which shows how talented she is. Alameda has a background in English, so it is no surprise that she is able to create fresh stories and tell them so flawlessly. The author resides in Utah and lives with her husband and their cat.

Shutter tells the story of Micheline, a tetrachromat with the ability to see the auras of the zombies. Micheline is among Van Helsing’s last descendants. The girl was trained since she was a child to destroy both spiritual and corporeal monsters. She used a bullet for the physical monsters while the spiritual ones went down by the lens. To enable her to do her job, Micheline had an analog camera that served as her perfect weapon. Her SLR camera lens was perfect for exorcising ghosts as they captured the spiritual energies of these creatures on film. Micheline does not do all this alone. She has a crew of helpers who step up to get the job done whenever necessary.

Micheline’s crew is made up of Oliver, Jude, and Ryder. Oliver acts as the techno-whiz, and he is the brains behind Micheline’s camera technology. Jude can predict death with precision while Ryder has been the object of Micheline’s obsession for as long as she can remember. Micheline stays on top of her game until a routine hunt goes awry. The group gets a call from the hospital, and Micheline decides to help. Even though they do not engage in such missions, no one has managed to get in the hospital. This can only mean that many people’s lives are in danger. It turns out that a funky ghost is responsible for the lockdown.

Micheline has her tools of the trade with her. Unfortunately, this ghost doesn’t just disappear after being zapped with Micheline’s special camera. Instead, the ghost puts a curse on its victims. An evil known as the soul chain infects Micheline and the boys. The young girl is aware that is she does not move quickly and exorcise herself within seven days, she and her friends will die. The rush against time begins, and Micheline will go to great lengths to ensure that the people she loves are safeguarded. She is a badass, calculating, and her strong will keeps her moving even when things are not working in her favor.
If you are into scary stories without too much gore, you will love Shutter. The story is action-packed, filled with intriguing characters, and has a relentless pace from start to finish. Perhaps the best part about this book is that it makes sense. Everything from how the ghost appears to the process of banishing them is based on science and logic. This is a perfect pick if you are looking for an intense, scary, and endearing story.

Pitch Dark
Pitch Dark stars Tuck Morgan. Tuck and his crew have been stuck in the USS John Muir for decades now. The ship is damaged, but most of its contents seem to be intact. Unbeknown to the crew, the ship harbors a part of the earth that is the remaining hope for a dwindling human race. John Muir was designed to preserve Earth’s natural resources in case of a crisis in the future. Now the crisis is here, and humankind is looking for other planets to inhabit.
Laura Cruz is on a mission to unravel the history of the scattered stars. The ship raider is going about her business when a terrorist organization crashes the family’s ship into John Muir. Stuck with no ready transport to their destination, the family decides to work with whatever is at their disposal. A quick look at the 400-year-old cargo reveals a pleasant surprise.

After seeing the precious cargo inside the abandoned ship, Laura’s family is convinced that the human race is saved. However, it cannot be forgotten that the same humans were responsible for destroying their planet. They also need to be stopped from their quest to invade and destroy other worlds. What will Tuck and his family do to ensure that this treasure gets back to earth? How do they overcome all the forces that are working against them?
Tuck and Laura’s worlds collide, and the two teenagers are forced to fight their enemies while avoiding brutal monsters who kill by screaming. As Laura tries to outsmart a hacker who always knowns her location, she bumps into Tuck, who has just woken up from a multi-century stasis. At some point, these two will have to works together to save the ship and the rest of humankind. Join these two teenagers in a wild ride that does not let up to the end. There is going to be gore, violence, and death, but in the end, the good guys win.

Laura and Tuck are perfect partners. The two work well together and are successful in conquering enemies that would have overpowered them if they did not join forces. The rest of the cast is just as intriguing. The author has fleshed them, and it is easy to identify with them and feel the loss when someone dies.
The dialogue between the characters is excellent. Conversations flow effortlessly, and it is easy to tell the characters’ personalities. The author also does an excellent job of building tension throughout the story. For example, the encounters with the mourners are enthralling, and you will be left wondering what will happen when Tuck or Laura makes a sound. The scenes are described in a way that is sure to leave your heart racing. The monsters add some sauce to the story, and the setting is just epic. Pitch Dark is a perfect choice if you like scary stories. Aside from the obvious, you will get to meet great characters and enjoy a captivating story that will blow your mind.