Order of Lizzy Mason Books

Lizzy Mason Books In Order

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Lizzy Mason is an American author. She loves traveling and taking pictures of Moxie, her cat.

Lizzy grew up in the state of Virginia in the northern region. She was there for a time and then changed things up to move to the Big Apple. She transplanted herself from Virginia to New York City for the purposes of attending college. She also intended to follow up a career working in the publishing field.

She is married and shares her apartment with her husband and Moxie. They all live together in Queens. She enjoys writing and reading too, as evidenced by an apartment that is packed with books.

Lizzy Mason became an officially published author in print for the first time when her debut novel was released. It is fiction and came out in 2019. Check it out for yourself!

Kathleen Glasgow has nothing but high praise for this premiere novel from a talented new name in the literary world and realm of fiction. She says that this story about addiction and sisters and finding where you are supposed to be in the world makes for a story both brave and beautiful, resulting in a book that should be on everyone’s shelf to read!

The Art of Losing is the first debut novel of fiction from author Lizzy Mason. If you are interested in engaging stories and are craving a new fiction story to read for a while, you might be interested in this book that has drawn tons of rave reviews.

Readers get to meet the main character of Harley Langston in this story for the first time. She is a young woman and is pretty much just like any other teen her age. She is seventeen years old and has no real concept of what can happen in the course of a night. It’s not that she isn’t aware, it’s just that you never think that things can happen to you until they do.

Harley has no idea that her life is about to change forever as the results of the actions that happen in just one night. All it takes is one horrible night and a few choices to completely change everything for good. That’s how fast it can happen. For her part, Harley never saw it coming, even if perhaps she should have. But it’s difficult to consider the consequences of your actions when you are caught up in the heat of the moment, as anyone can relate to.

Things start to go south for Harley with the onset of a betrayal. She has been going steady with Mike, her boyfriend. One night she is heading to a party and when she gets there, she eventually finds a girl hooking up with Mike. That might not end up being so bad. But to rub salt in the wound and make the entire situation worse, the girl connecting with Mike is Audrey.

Audrey is Harley’s little sister, so it’s a moment that absolutely shakes Harley to the core. it is the last thing that she ever expected to see. It’s a betrayal on both sides. Now she knows that her boyfriend has it within him to cheat on her, and he’s going to do it with her sister out of all of the people in the world. It hurts her also that Audrey would do this to her when she knows how Harley feels about Mike.

The combined actions of two people that were supposed to be close to her and never do anything like this makes Harley really mad. She gets out of there and abandons the scene, fleeing from it all and all the while, caught in the middle of a blind rage.

That means that she is not there at the party to see what happens with her sister and with Mike. Harley isn’t thinking about that at all, though. She’s too busy caught up in her feelings about what Audrey and Mike together have done. It’s a terrible thing to do, both to your sibling and to your girlfriend.

Things don’t just stop there, however. Audrey is still at the party with Mike, and she has to get home sometime. They don’t call a cab or get a ride from a designated driver, however. Mike ends up trying to drive Harley’s sister back home, even though he is drunk to the point where he is well past the legal limit. It is a poor choice, and one that he is too intoxicated to have the judgment to pull back and just find someone else to drive her home safely.

The end result is that Mike crashes the car. They say that the drunk drivers always survive the impact because they are already limp and don’t tense up like someone would if they were sober. Regardless, the fact of the matter is that Audrey is horribly injured as a result of the accident. Mike is relatively fine in comparison, because Audrey lapses into a coma.

Now only Harley is conscious in the traditional sense to know what to make of all of this. She cannot help but feel horrible about what has happened. She was initially mad at the betrayal and now she is only left with the terrible feelings of pain and grief and guilt and what she could have done differently. It all went so wrong, and so quickly.

Harley not only has to deal with the fact that her sister is in a coma (that she might not come out of), she also has to contend with the fact that Mike probably is an alcoholic. She may have dumped him, but she doesn’t want him to keep on going and affect someone else’s life.

Harley starts connecting with her neighbor Raf during this time. A friend from her childhood, Raf recently completed treatment at rehab. He has demons of his own, and Harley avoids becoming too close at first. When her sister wakes up, everything changes.

Audrey gets better and Harley is starting to see a new way of existing thanks to Raf. Will it be enough for her to find forgiveness? Read this book from Lizzy Mason to find out!