Order of Augustus Rose Books

Augustus Rose Books In Order

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

The American author Augustus Rose has been a highly vocal author within the field of creative writing for some time now, having taught extensively on the subject, as well as writing about it too, with his primary focus being placed upon fiction and how to expand upon it as an art-form and a creative outlet for himself and many up-and-coming authors. With a lifelong affinity with literature and all its merits, he’s managed to carve himself a unique and highly idiosyncratic niche as a major proponent of continuing the craft in the many years to follow. Whether he’s teaching or writing himself, he’s continually dedicated himself to the profession, with his expert understanding of storytelling and narrative structure as an art-form and discipline. This has also lead to him being a major figure within the industry, and one of the go-to figures that is sought after by many, including both his peers and contemporaries alike. With a background in screenwriting as well, he’s one of the most adept and versatile figures within his field to date, a factor which goes some way in explaining why his first novel was so well accepted upon its initial debut, with him having worked upon it for such an extensive period.

Early and Personal Life

Growing up in Bolinas in California, the author to be Augustus Rose later moved to San Francisco during his upbringing, as it shaped both him and his writing. Always harboring a passion for the written word from an early age, he was always found either reading and writing, constantly looking to progress both him and his craft. This was something he continued throughout the years, as honed and refined his style, regardless of everything else in his life, always looking to expand upon his ideas and material.

Living with his wife Nami Mun who’s also a well regarded novelist he continues to write to this day. Teaching as well, he has an MA in creative writing, a qualification he gained from UC Davis, along with his BA in Film from UC Santa Barbara. There’s still more planned for him on the horizon too, as he’s set to continue writing for a long time yet.

Writing Career

Bringing out his first novel in 2017, Augustus Rose made his initial debut onto the literary scene with the stand-alone book ‘The Readymade Thief’. Not a part of any series, it was a self-contained story filled with suspense and action, along with good character design, something which marked him as a definite writer to watch. Putting all of his primary interests into it, such as art, suspense and conspiracies, it really showed passion, something which the critical establishment immediately warmed to.

Still writing and teaching to this very day, he has a lot more to come yet as an author and writer. With him having previously written a screenplay which was awarded in 2015 there’s still plenty of room for him to grow as an author. Not showing signs of stopping anytime soon either his writing career continues to grow from strength-to-strength, on into the foreseeable future.

The Readymade Thief

Originally brought out on the 1st of August in 2017 this was the much anticipated debut novel from Augustus Rose as a fully fledged first-time novelist. Writing with a clear passion, it’s easy to see why this was so well accepted and so acclaimed by many, as it was definitely a labor of love for the author. Released through the ‘Viking’ publishing house it is a must for any fans of suspense in their fiction, as it masterfully builds to its thrilling and epic final conclusion. With a clear confidence it carries along at a seemingly effortless pace, carrying the reader along with it, as they’re swept up into its compelling narrative and lovingly crafted characters. Combining elements of the ‘young adult’ demographic, along with conspiracy and art, it uses all the specific interests of the author to create a story that is entirely unique unto itself, and will capture the imagination of its audience immediately.

Coming upon the ‘Crystal Castle’ the seventeen year old Lee Cuddy finds her refuge there after being made to take the fall for a friend of hers and being made to go on the run because of it. Beneath the superficial veneer though, is an ancient secret and one that’s been heavily guarded by an equally fanatical sect of men who are intent on solving the secrets of its highly sinister agenda. When Lee arrives, though, they feel that she may in fact hold the key to it all, something which requires her to escape once again and hide deep within this darkened city. With the help of a young artist and hacker called Tomi they both strike an alliance, as she hides herself in the seemingly desolate areas of this now unmapped city. Still, though, she finds it difficult to break away from whoever, or whatever, is after her, as she finds herself being submerged into a web of secrets and lies. Can she ever hope to truly break free? Who exactly is after, what do they want, and can she possibly face them? What will become of the readymade thief?

Other Writing

With a background in creative writing Augustus Rose is no stranger to literature and expressing himself creatively by way of the written word. Not only does he have a qualification in it, but he also teaches in it, something which has lead to him writing extensively on the subject prior to releasing his first debut novel. Producing various essays and pieces on the subject he has crafted a name for himself teaching and passing on his knowledge of the craft to other young and aspiring authors.

In the past he has also written a screenplay titled ‘Far From Cool’, which went on to become a finalist in Academy Nicholl Fellowships of 2015. Along with this he has also written pieces on ‘endorsing reading’ as a pastime to a younger generation, keeping it alive as a practice in a modern and contemporary age. This is also something he has taught at university level, lecturing on the subject, along with producing much needed and necessary course materials. Writing for various different publications, he is a highly vocal proponent of art and culture as well, something which will continue as he successfully builds his name and profile in the many years to come.