Order of Louise Allen Books

Louise Allen Books In Order

Publication Order of Thrown Away Children Books

Publication Order of Non-Fiction Books

Louise Allen is an adoption memoir author that is best known for the “Thrown Away Children” series of novels. The author was adopted into a family that sadly did not want her which scarred her when she was very young.
“Thrown Away Child” her debut novel chronicles the neglect and abuse that she and another adopted child had to go through at the hands of Barbara their adopted mother.

Given her experiences, she decided to make her family a foster family and over the years they have taken in more than twenty kids. Many of these kids stayed with Louise’s family for years and the experiences with these kids are what have inspired the many adoption memoir series she has written.

Within days of “Stella’s Story,” the debut work being published, it would become a bestseller that would spawn the very popular “Thrown Away Children” series. Apart from her flagship series, she now draws on her experience to pen all manner of books about parenting, fostering, and adoption.
Louise has a reputation for saying things as they are as she writes engaging and witty works that empower adopters to feel in control and confident about the adoption process.

Allen’s days being abused in foster homes are long over as she is now engaged in campaigning for a better foster system. She does all she can to right the many wrongs inherent in the system that results in all manner of wrongs inflicted on foster kids.
Louise works with organizations and one of her most important contributions has been collaborating with the University of Plymouth to set up an apprenticeship program for foster families.

This is a good replacement for the very meager 9-hour training module for foster parents who work with demanding, complex and vulnerable children are provided with. She campaigns for foster care workers to be paid minimum wage through the European Court.
Allen also works for the Union of Foster Care Workers Union as a Press Officer and is an ambassador for the adoption organization Families for Children. She is also a trustee for arts education charity Spaeda and is also a member of the All Party Parliamentary Group that works to improve adoption and fostering services.
Louise is also an illustrator and writer of stories about children in adoption and in foster care and also those that live or have been adopted into split families.

In addition to writing, Louise Allen is an artist and on a normal day, she does anything from writing to painting. Art is something that she has been doing almost every day of her life and if she is not doing that, she will often be found listening, looking, and admiring the works of other artists, musicians, and writers.

She has also held several exhibitions of her paintings and many of her works have found their way into private collections. For more than two decades, Louise taught Design and Art in residencies and Universities and she still cares a lot about education and teaching.
She now works with schools to develop new ways of making creativity central to the curriculum. Louise is also interested in helping young people and children to stay in school.

Louise currently makes her home in Somerset, where she lives with her blended family in an old bungalow. She also has two little dogs that often feature in her books.

“Stella’s Story” by Louise Allen is the sad tale of a child that was born to parents that do not want her. The father has been absent and uncaring while the mother cannot care for the infant.

Stella ends up being moved from foster family to foster family in her infancy and toddler years and ultimately ends up with her biological father when he gets out of jail. Aged four, the child narrates a chapter or two as she is left all alone with only a dog for company in an apartment with no power or food.

Finally, the police intervene and take her to the hospital and she is then placed in foster care. Luckily, she is in a nice foster home with stable parents, two older brothers, and an older sister that all live in a very nice place.
Following five years of unknowns and instability, Stella is ultimately able to live a good life with her new family. Still, her foster mother is concerned by some of her behavior and requests her social worker to try to help her.

It is clear that she was molested, abused, and made to participate in pornographic acts as a toddler given her words and actions. Sadly she will have to take a long trek if she is to achieve a semblance of normalcy.

Louise Allen’ work “Abby’s Story,” tells the tale of Abby whose mother conceived her when she was thirteen.

She had then spent much of her pregnancy drinking and hiding her pregnancy. When Abby is finally born her mother is in no position to take care of the kid nor does she want to. She gives her up to a religious couple desperate to have their own kid.
But about a year after Abby was adopted, her adoptive mother has a baby of her own and this does not help Abby. Rejected by her family she is moved from foster home to foster home before ending up with the Allens.

By this time she has been transformed into a confused and clumsy person unsure of her own identity. Abby is suffering from Foetal Alcohol Syndrome and this has affected her mentally and physically.

It makes for a heartbreaking story even as it shows how hard it can be to be a foster parent. It also shows how difficult it is to get any kind of helpful information from the ever-evolving social work department.

“Eden’s Story” by Louise Allen is the story of a young single mother named Ashley that is raising Eden her daughter.

She has been doing the best she can but one night she is unable to find a babysitter and decides to leave the kid at home for several hours sleeping in a wardrobe. Her action is what results in a tragic downward spiral for mother and daughter.
When Eden arrives at Louise Allen’s home following the imprisonment of her mother, she is a five-year-old that will not speak to anyone. Besides her mutism, she is soon exhibiting disturbing behavior including torturing the beloved family pets.
This ultimately leads to Louise discovering the tragic reality and pain behind the young girl’s story.