Order of Frank Lloyd Wright Books

Frank Lloyd Wright Books In Order

Publication Order of Non-Fiction Books

Frank Lloyd Wright
Frank Lloyd Wright was a non-fiction author and one of America’s most celebrated architects. The Wisconsin born author started his career in Chicago after completing his civil engineering education at the University of Wisconsin. Working under Louis Henry Sullivan, Wright took a keen interest in developing practical spaces. This led to the development of his Prairie-Style buildings with porches and terraces that allowed the free flow of the inside to the outside. Movement in those houses is free as one room simply flows into the other. Personal tragedy, neglect, and misunderstanding characterized Wright’s middle life. However, his later life earned him great wealth and respect among his peers. Aside from his architecture, Wright was also a prolific writer. All his books reflect his passion and dedication to matters organic architecture, creativity, and democracy.

Frank Lloyd Wright: An Autobiography
Frank Lloyd Wright: An Autobiography is an enlarged and revised copy of five of Frank’s books. The autobiography is divided into different sections, including family, work, fellowship, form, and freedom. Through this book, we get to learn a few things about Frank’s childhood, personal life, and travels. Just like the architectural work that pushed Frank into the limelight, this autobiography is unique and aesthetically pleasing. From the paper and printing to the style used, this book is outstanding. It is also quite large and will take a while to read from cover to cover.

One thing that stands out is how Wright’s thinking is different from popular opinions at the time. Wright seems like such a contradiction, but many years later, it is clear that he was the visionary whose thinking was way ahead of his time. The man single-handedly transformed boxes into functional living spaces that blended with the surrounding. For any creative person, this autobiography can be quite inspirational. While he was more esteemed outside the country during his time, Wright’s works are recognized worldwide today. He is among the most remarkable architects who ever lived. Looking at Wright’s organic buildings, it is hard to imagine such a talented man had such a messy personal and business life.

To the common reader, this autobiography is a fascinating and insightful read. If you are a Wright fan, this book will reveal a lot you did not know about this iconic architect. It is also ideal for architecture fans or anyone who want to read about life from the viewpoint of a genius. Even though you can smell the ego on every page, there is a perspective on life and architecture that is quite outstanding. This is a perfect addition to your nightstand for those times you need to read about architecture and the brain behind some of the comforts we enjoy today.

Wright is quite articulate, and his brilliance and creativity shine through his writing. If you have seen any of Wright’s work, you will find this book intriguing. There is something about getting to know more about an architect who left such a mark in history. Because of its big size, this is a book that you enjoy in small bits. You can be sure that this will be among the books you read that stand out in your mind.

Frank Lloyd Wright: An Autobiography is a perfect read for upcoming architects. It is great getting to know one of the greatest minds on matters architecture and learning a bit about his journey. Wright talks about his creative process, his life, and some of the hardships he had to overcome on his life’s journey.

The Future of Architecture
The Future of Architecture is a non-fiction book that documents architect Frank Lloyd Wright’s thinking. His ideas are novel, and it is amazing how a book that was written in the 50s resonates so well with current trends. For example, architects today continue to create transitory spaces that go higher into the sky. Unlike in traditional houses that were at most one level up, most people today have no problem with buying a flat on the 10th floor of a building. The permanence and ability to transform the living space people enjoyed is slowly becoming a thing of the past. Houses today are not just detached from nature, but even the materials used seem a bit colder.

Think of the reinforced concrete used to make most of the buildings today. The resulting houses cannot be compared to one made of a natural material such as wood. While wood may age faster, it comes with some warmth that simply cannot be replaced. All is not gloom as Wright remains positive that the future of architecture seems very bright. Once we get over the tyranny of the skyscraper, there is a lot of good that we should expect in the future. All of Wright’s ideas gear towards organic architecture. It is easy to see things from his perspective, especially when you consider current trends.

One outstanding thing about Wright is how he views space and the way all of us interact with it. While his opinions are strong and anything but ordinary, his reasoning will make you think about architecture and its meaning to the rest of us. Widely regarded as America’s greatest architect, it is amazing how Wright come up with these bright inventions. His unmistakable touch, the detailing, and overall concept shines through these pages. It is amazing how Wright factored the environment in his planning. Even if you are not into architecture, Wright’s writing will capture your mind and keep you glued to the book.
The Future of Architecture doesn’t just concentrate on the art. There is a lot on democracy, man, and the way we interact with our surroundings. Beginning with the ‘Conversation’ (1953) that is widely discussed, the author takes a look at his career and explains his ideas, aims, and art. This assessment is accompanied by photos of photographs and illustrated text that brings Wright’s organic architecture alive. The book also contains some of Wright’s most controversial papers, such as The Princeton Lectures and The London Lectures. While it may take some time to read this book cover to cover, the content, concepts, and ideas will stay in your mind for a long time.