Order of Sara Pennypacker Books

Sara Pennypacker Books In Order

Publication Order of The Amazing World of Stuart Books

Publication Order of Clementine Books

Publication Order of Flat Stanley’s Worldwide Adventures Books

Publication Order of Pax Books

Publication Order of Waylon! Books

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Publication Order of Picture Books

A world renowned author of children’s literature, the writer and illustrator Sara Pennypacker is an American novelist who has been writing children’s books for a number of years now to much success, with a global following behind her work. Knowing and understanding her audience, she has been able to carve a niche within the industry, largely due to her comprehending what it is that children want in their stories and communicating with them in a way that resonates with them. Not only is her language rich and vibrant, but so are her designs, given that she also has a background in art, having been a painter prior to becoming a writer.

Early and Personal Life

With a strong interest in storytelling from an early age, the future author to be Sara Pennypacker was born and raised within America, where she harbored a strong passion for literature from very early on. Focusing herself not only on reading and writing, but watercolor and art as well, she would learn to express herself creatively in a variety of different ways, something which would shape her novels in the years to come. It would also give her stories and the way she told them a very strong visual style, making them a lot more vibrant and far more colorful in the process.

Getting her background in art and design, she would focus on watercolor for a number of years throughout her education, something which would come to later define her. With expertly drawn and crafted illustrations, she was able to visualize what was going on, as she would also come to make a transition between painting and writing. Deciding her first love was writing though, she would draw comparisons between the two practices, making parallels, which was something that clearly made an impression on her books as well.

Coming to combine the two practices in the years to follow, she was always found constantly expressing herself creatively throughout her education. Not only applying this to children’s literature, she would also go on to create the pseudonym of ‘Sara Young’ which she would write a number of adult books under as well. Constantly living with and among artists and other creatives too, she would fully immerse herself in this world, continually taking in the culture and the lifestyle at all times.

Currently living in Cape Cod, Massachusetts, in the United States she continue to write to this very day, along with maintaining her painting as well, although her writing is now her central focus. Living with her family, she manages to put out novels at a regular pace as well, with her many fans worldwide growing on an ever consistent basis too.This is something that is expected to carry on into the foreseeable future for some time come, as her writing career continues growing from strength-to-strength.

Writing Career

Starting out back in 2002 Sara Pennypacker would make the transition from painting to writing, as she wrote her first novel ‘Stuarts Cape’; a book which would also be the first in an ongoing series of novels focusing on one Stuart titled ‘The Amazing World of Stuart’. This book was also illustrated by Martin Matje, as she would primarily focus upon the storytelling and the narrative herself, leaving her painting behind her for the time being. Later in 2007 she would also go on to write a suspense filled thriller novel called ‘My Enemy’s Cradle’ under the pseudonym of Sara Young, which would also be appreciated by both critics and fans alike.

Writing a number of series and franchises over the years, she has also managed to focus on a variety of different characters that her many readers have come to appreciate. These series include ‘The Amazing World of Stuart’, her ‘Clementine’ books of which there are seven in total so far, and her ‘Flat Stanley’ and her ‘Waylon’ books as well. Crafting much loved leading characters, she builds protagonists that have come to resonate with her readers throughout the years, as they follow her adventures stories.

Winning awards over the years, she is not without critical acclaim as well, having won the ‘Christopher Award’ for the book ‘Clementine’s Letter’ along with the ‘Golden Kite Award’ for ‘Pierre in Love’. Appreciated by both critics and the general public alike, she has garnered a global level of success that many writers can only hope to aspire to. Gaining the respect of her many peers and contemporaries too, she is all set to be a mainstay of the field for many years to come yet as well.

With a lot more still set to be released on the horizon it doesn’t seem that Sara Pennypacker is stopping anytime soon as an author either, as continues writing at an ever consistent pace. Maintaining a presence on the literary scene both online and off, she is well known for attending events, as well as teaching young aspiring writers the tools of her trade. All set to carry on for some time yet, her fans are growing both young and old, as she looks to continue for a great many years to come yet with her always timeless stories.

Clementine’s Letter

Originally coming out in 2007 on the 1st of April, this was brought out through the ‘Disney-Hyperion’ publishing label to much acclaim, it being the third title in the ongoing ‘Clementine’ series of books. Providing another adventure for the eponymous character from the series title, it sees the young Clementine getting into all sorts of mischief as she navigates childhood and growing up. Winning the ‘Christopher Award’ when it was first released, this is an excellent example of Sara Pennypacker’s work and what she has to offer as a children’s author.

Leaving to go on a research trip to Egypt, the favorite teacher of Clementine, Mr D’Matz is heading off and leaving her behind for a year. This is definitely not good for the young Clementine as she feels that he’s the only one that understands her and her ever impulsive personality in the classroom. Not only that, but the new substitute teacher doesn’t seem to understand anything of what she requires, something which leaves Clementine wondering if she can formulate a plan to get her teacher back. Will she be able to? Should she do it? What will be put into Clementine’s letter?


A standalone novel, this was first brought out in 2016 on the 2nd of February through the ‘Balzer and Bray’ publishing house, it being illustrated by Jon Klassen this time. Featuring the story of one twelve year old Peter and his fox, it tells of how an impending war is all set to divide them both, along with the family of Peter, as many are enlisted. This story expertly illustrated and written, tells of the tragedy of war and the power of friendship in troubling times and how it brings people together, such as Peter and his fox Pax.