Order of Dean Lorey Books

Dean Lorey Books In Order

Publication Order of Nightmare Academy Books

Publication Order of Anthologies

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Both an author and a screenwriter, the American writer Dean Lorey has an extensive and highly impressive backlog of work. Working within the field of Young Adult fiction, he has also created a number of screenplays as well, thus lending a highly visual style to his work. This goes some way towards explaining how he has come to be one of the most sought after voices currently working to this very day.

Early and Personal Life

Born in 1967 on the 17th of November, the writer to be Dean Lorey was born and raised in the city of Conyers in Georgia. Growing up with not only a passion for both reading and writing, but film as well, his future career seemed almost certain. Showing a clear love for the craft, he would consume literature along with numerous films, thus leading to the writer that he currently is today.

Attending New York University’s film school he would gain an insight into the media industry quite unlike any other. This would allow him to write and create highly compelling material that bring in audiences from both far and wide. Graduating he would go on to pursue a career in the media, part of which he would start during his time at university, thus giving him a head start.

Previously working for Simon and Schuster, he would write book cover copy for both them and Bantam as well, all whilst still in university too. Later he would go on to write commercials for MTV as well as Nickelodeon, before going on to write his own script after moving to California. This would come to be called ‘My Boyfriend’s Back’ which would go on to be released in in 1993, effectively being a romantic-comedy featuring zombies.

Currently living in Calabasas in California with his wife, Elizabeth Lorey, he continues to write to this day. Living with their two children, he is always on the lookout for new and exciting ideas, all whilst attending various conventions and passing on his love of the craft to others. This is expected to carry on into the foreseeable future, as he doesn’t appear to be stopping any time soon with a lot more to come yet.

Writing Career

Going on to write his first novel in 2007, he would begin the much loved ‘Nightmare Academy’ series of Young Adult novels. Released on the 21st of August of that year, he would come to write this particular series alongside his various other film and television efforts. This would effectively lead to him creating a strong and vibrant brand during the following years to come, one that many would come to know and appreciate.

Mainly focusing on his Nightmare Academy series of books, Dean Lorey has found a lot of success with this particular franchise. With the film rights to the series having already been sold to Universal, it seems that the books will only find more fans in the years to come. Targeted at an audience of young adults, this is a series of novels that really knows and understands its audience clearly and competently.

Winning various awards for his work, the writer Dean Lorey is highly regarded by both his many peers and contemporaries alike. Writing for such acclaimed television shows as ‘Arrested Development’ and ‘iZombie’, he is seen as one of the foremost voices within the business. Showing a clear understanding of the craft and how it works, he has built a major profile for himself, which goes some way in explaining much of the success he’s had.

Over the years he has also worked on directing and producing for film and television, alongside working as a writer. This has given him an even deeper working knowledge of the craft, as well as understanding what it is that audiences want. Knowing what they’re looking for ultimately gives him the freedom to work with that, creating something entirely new in the process that’s unique to him.

Still writing to this day, he resides with his wife Elizabeth along with Christ and Alex, their two sons, in their home in Calabasas, California. Continuing his career as a screenwriter, along with working as a novelist too, he manages to put out work at a regular pace. This will continue for some time to come, as there’s plenty to follow on the horizon, along with attending various conventions and events.

Nightmare Academy: Monster Madness

Brought out through the ‘HarperCollins Publishing’ outlet label, this was originally released in 2008 on the 18th of March. Setting up the second title in the ongoing ‘Nightmare Academy’ series of books, it managed to pick up from where the previous one left off. Developing many of the characters from before, it also manages to provide some extra twists and turns of its own along the way too.

With the last of the mega-monsters who are known only as the Named, are fighting their way into this world. All that can stop them now is the one who goes by the title of the Guardian, but unfortunately the Guardian is dying. Stepping up to the challenge of saving the Guardian is none other than Charlie Benjamin from the Nightmare Academy, as he heads out with his friends on a journey and trial to save their last hope. Will they manage it? Can they restore order and save the day? What will happen when there’s monster madness?

Nightmare Academy: Monster War

Released through the ‘HarperCollins’ publishing label once more, this was to be the third title in the much loved ‘Nightmare Academy’ series of novels. Published in 2010 on the 27th of July, this would go on to achieve a high level of success, all thanks to its already eager legion of fans worldwide. Continuing on from where the previous novel ended, this offers the next installment of the long-running series of books.

With a whole array of monsters everywhere, such as Dangeroos, Netherstalkers and Mimics, it appears that the threat against this world is growing. Following the summoning of the Queen of Nightmares by the Named, it seems that only Charlie Benjamin can stop her, that is once he wields the Sword of Sacrifice. Using the help of his friends Violet, Theodore and Brooke, he aims to retrieve the sword and put an end to the Queen’s reign of terror. Is he up to the task though? Can he make the ultimate sacrifice for the sword? Who will survive the monster war?