Order of Jenna Bush Hager Books

Jenna Bush Hager Books In Order

Publication Order of Non-Fiction Books

Publication Order of Children’s Books

with Barbara Pierce Bush

Jenna Bush Hager
Jenna Bush Hager is a non-fiction author and a co-host in the Today Show. She is also the editor of Southern Living Magazine. While Jenna Bush has always been in the limelight, her writing prowess showed when she published her bestselling novel Ana’s Story. After interning with UNICEF in Latin America, Jenna Bush was inspired to write this moving story of hope. Jenna has also co-authored a few children’s books with her mother. Currently, Jenna resides in New York, together with her husband and their young children.

Sisters First
Sisters First tells the stories of Jenna and Barbara Bush, fraternal twins, and daughters to the former U.S. president George Bush. Born in a political family, these two girls grew up with the world closely watching their every step. Their grandfather became president when the girls were still small, and twelve years later, it was their father’s turn in the white house. The girls’ college life was characterized by the secret service which followed them everywhere they went and the paparazzi who were too happy to announce every teenage mistake they made to the world. Despite all that went on around them, the two sisters dealt with it together, and their bond became stronger the older they grew.

This memoir is about family, adventures, and a special sisterly bond. It is about love and losses, and the girls present and journey into adulthood. While the tabloids carried some of these two girls’ stories, there is a lot of behind the scenes that no one ever told. The two sisters take turns to tell heartwarming and funny anecdotes about their lives, growing in the governor’s mansion in Texas and later in the white house. They also discuss their devastation, watching as their maternal grandfather faded away because of Alzheimer’s. While it was sad watching a man they all loved suffer, they also appreciated his wisdom and the mark that he had left in their lives.

Forwarded by the twins’ mother Laura Bush, this memoir shows the ordinary side of the bush family. It shows Bush as a father and husband to his family and not the POTUS. Jenna is currently a correspondent with NBC’s Today Show, while her sister Barbara Pierce Bush is the founder and CEO of Global Health Corps. This book stands out because it is not political. It is centered on family and everyday occurrences. This is a side most people do not know about the Bush family, given the role they have played in politics. It is refreshing to read about the human side of the twins and their parents. Their agonizing over political decisions and the deep relationship between the Bush daughters and their grandparents.

Sisters First is a warm and charming story centered on the Bush family. Jenna and Barbara share touching and emotional stories about their family, which helps them appear real and normal, just like any other family. Their example in kindness, compassion, and love is inspirational, and it’s wonderful how these two sisters have remained the best of friends to date. Jenna has a way of capturing her readers’ attention, and they glued to the pages. Reading this memoir will feel like you are sited next to the narrator, listening to them reminisce about the past over a cup of coffee.

Everything Beautiful in Its Time
Everything Beautiful in Its Time is about Jenna’s beloved grandparents and the wisdom they passed to her and the family. George and Barbara Bush were considered America’s president and first lady and a power couple to the world. However, to Jenna, they were her beloved grandfather, and grand mum gently guided her and showed up in every important stage of her life. These two didn’t stop challenging Jenna to live a life of meaning and passion and to always show respect, kindness, and humility to all around her.

In Midland, Texas, Harold and Jenna Welch, Jenna’s maternal grandparents, enjoyed a quiet light away from the spotlight. However, their influence on Jenna and her sister’s life was undeniable. Harold, the home builder, and Jenna, the homemaker, taught their granddaughters to appreciate the small things and pay attention to the beauty in nature. Throughout their childhood and adolescence, the girls knew that their grandparents’ home was a safe place they could run to whenever they needed a break from the public.

In this memoir, Jenna, now a mother of three children, pays homage to the grandparents who had such an impact on her. The book comprises of intimate and heartwarming essays filled with laughter, love, and gratitude. In just one year, Jenna lost her remaining three grandparents, and this memoir also captures her loss. Through these personal stories, Jenna paints a perfect picture of the bittersweet nature of life. Jenna also reveals how the family used nostalgic humor, faith, and their grandparents’ advice to get through this difficult period in their lives.

This is a book about the past, present, and future. Jenna fondly remembers the past, her grandparents, George, Barbara, Harold, and Jenna, and the sage advice they passed to her and her sister. Jenna also cherishes what she has in the present as she prepares to pass some of these lessons to her young children in the future. This book will make you reflect on what is truly important in life. For many of us, it is not until we have lost our loved ones that we came to appreciate how much their wisdom and kindness impacted on us.

Everything Beautiful in Its Time is a beautifully written memoir filled with sincere, poignant, and humorous anecdotes. It is a book about kindness, faith, and gratitude. While the bush family was overwhelmed by their losses in a short twelve months, this memoir also shows how grateful they are for the time they spend with their loved ones. From Jenna and her sister’s stories, it is clear that this is a close-knit family. Their faith in God in hard times is admirable, and it is amazing how the grandparents played an active role in their grandchildren’s life. If you are looking for an inspirational and uplifting read based on true stories, this memoir is a perfect choice.