Order of The Secret Books

The Secret Books In Order

Publication Order of The Secret Books

The Secret
The Secret is a self-help series by Rhonda Bryne. This series delves into the Power of Attraction and the immeasurable influence that comes with positive thinking. Just like other great scholars point out, we all possess the power we need to live our best lives. Get to learn how you can turn that unpleasant situation to your favor. The series will also teach you how to appreciate what you have and focus your energy on the essentials. This series is perfect for all ages and works great for anyone looking to make drastic changes to their life.

The Secret
The secret is the first book in The Secret series. This self-help book comes with ten life-changing insights that people looking to live a more fulfilling life can put into good use. Most, if not all, of the ideas, are found in literature, religions, and oral traditions. They are also simple to use, and they work if the raving reviews on this book are anything to go by. The book contains not only the secrets but also a simple guide on how these can be incorporated in everyday living. There are also testimonies by men and women who have used the secrets to create wealth, enjoy abundant health, and live a more fulfilling life.

The book highlights the law of attraction as one of the critical things. You can attract good things in your life through good thoughts. Even when things are not going as expected, staying positive makes it easy for you to find the strength to make things right. This law also applies when it comes to negative thoughts. If you have a negative outlook towards something, whether it is your career or your health, the universe will direct negative things your way. It would help if you got rid of negative thoughts immediately, you notice them. This can be achieved by anything from listening to music to enjoying some time with your favorite pet.

This book also highlights the importance of visualizing your goals. You have to know precisely what you want to achieve. Once you set the goals, you must deliberately think about them. This will direct your energy towards them, making it easy to accomplish all targets set within a specified period. Another theme that comes out clear here is gratitude. Starting every day with an appreciation not only ensures that you are in the right frame of mind to get the job done, but it also attracts positive energy your way.

One of the reasons why this book stands out in a field filled with numerous similar self-help books is that it contains compelling stories of people who have used it to acquire massive wealth, get rid of the disease, and overcome significant obstacles. The book comes loaded with not just the secret, but stories of people who had successfully used it to turn their lives around and make the best use of the resources at their disposal.
The Secret will help you know how to embrace the teachings and incorporate them into your daily life. Once you have read the book, it will be easy to identify the untapped power you have in you and utilize it to your advantage. Whatever your age or background, you stand to gain a lot from this book. You have to ensure that you make the necessary changes to your life and remain consistent in your efforts.

The Power
The Power is the second book in The Secret series. While the first book in the sequel focuses on the Law of Attraction, the power highlights the power we all have. This is the power to get whatever you want. Do you know that you can achieve anything you set your mind on, however impossible it may seem at first? If you are wondering how this is possible, read on for an in-depth explanation of the same.

Through this book, you will understand that it only takes one thing to change your health, career, and life as a whole. The best thing is that everyone has the power to change their lives, and this power is inside every human being.

Here, you will get to learn that while you cannot control whatever happens to you, you have control over how to react. The book also highlights the damaging effects of anger. One quote by the Buddha likens holding on to anger to holding hot coal to throw it to another person. Sure, people will annoy you at times, but you should rise above this and respond intelligently even when you think that hitting back would make you feel better.
This book also lays a lot of emphasis on feeling good. If we have fun doing whatever task, we feel happy at the end of the day. It is wise to choose to have fun in whatever situation since our time on earth is not eternal. Find something that you love and can enjoy doing. This way, you will give it your all and accomplish a lot by the end of it all.

Just like The Secret, this book comes with amusing anecdotes of people who have used The Power to achieve things they could only have dreamt about. The tales are entertaining and at the same time, enlightening. People of different gender and ages will at least find one story they can identify with.
This is yet another highly inspiring book by Rhonda Byrne. The book highlights the power human beings have to get what they want. There are some significant truths on life and mind-blowing insights that will make you look at your situation in a different light. Get intermediate to advanced skills that you can use to attract good things in your life. There are also beautiful quotes that are sure to lift your spirits. This book can be enjoyed as a standalone. Even though it continues where The Secret ended, it is easy to catch on the lesson here and get enough tips to utilize the skills learned.