The Earthsea series, written by Ursula K. Le Guin, is a classic fantasy saga set in the archipelago of Earthsea, where magic, dragons, and balance are central themes. The story follows Ged, a young wizard who learns about the complexities of power, responsibility, and the natural order. Throughout his journey, Ged faces inner and external struggles, including the balance between light and darkness. The series explores deep philosophical themes like self-discovery, mortality, and the harmony between humanity and nature.
List of The Earthsea Cycle Books
A Wizard of Earthsea | 1968 | |
The Tombs of Atuan | 1970 | |
The Farthest Shore | 1972 | |
Tehanu | 1990 | |
The Other Wind | 2001 | |
The Daughter of Odren | 2014 |