Order of Belisarius Books

Order of Belisarius Books

The Belisarius series is a alternate history sci-fi series by American novelists David Drake and Eric Flint. The books were written by Flint based on Drake’s plots. The series revolves around real-life historical figure Flavius Belisarius and a war between two societies that finds its way to 6th century Earth.

The Belisarius series began in 1998 with the novel An Oblique Approach. The series concluded with the novel The Dance of Time in 2006, after six novels. Below is a list of Eric Flint and David Drake’s Belisarius books in order of when they were first published:

Publication Order of Belisarius Books

(By: Eric Flint, David Drake)

An Oblique Approach


In the Heart of Darkness


Destiny’s Shield


Fortune’s Stroke


The Tide of Victory


The Dance of Time
