Order of Second Chance Cat Mystery Books

Order of Second Chance Cat Mystery Books

The Second Chance Cat Mystery Series is a series of books by Sofie Ryan. The books follow Sarah Grayson, owner of a secondhand shop called Second Chance, and her rescue cat Elvis as they find their true purpose in life: solve crimes in North Harbor, Maine.

The fun thing about these books is definitely her cat Elvis who has an uncanny ability to detect lies which helps Sarah in her investigations. Elvis has seen some stuff in his time and one gets the feeling he’s on his last of his nine lives. This cat brings a lot of character to the series.

Publication Order of Second Chance Cat Mystery Books

The Whole Cat and Caboodle


Buy a Whisker


A Whisker of Trouble


No More Pussyfooting Around


Telling Tails


The Fast and the Furriest


No Escape Claws


Claw Enforcement


Undercover Kitty


Totally Pawstruck


Scaredy Cat


Fur Love or Money
