Order of Needlecraft Mysteries Books

Order of Needlecraft Mysteries Books

Needlecraft Mysteries by Monica Ferris

The Needlecraft Mysteries is a series of cozy mystery novels by American author Monica Ferris (Mary Monica Pulver). The series is set in Excelsior, Minnesota and follow a needlecraft shopowner named Betsy Devonshire.

Monica Ferris began her Needlecraft Mysteries series with the novel Crewel World in 1999. The series is currently ongoing. Below is a list of Monica Ferris’ Needlecraft Mysteries books in order of when they were first published (which is also their chronological order):

Publication Order of Needlecraft Mysteries Books

Crewel World


Framed in Lace


A Stitch in Time


Unraveled Sleeve


A Murderous Yarn




Hanging by a Thread


Crewel Yule


Embroidered Truths


Sins and Needles


Knitting Bones


Thai Die




Buttons and Bones




And Then You Dye


The Drowning Spool


Darned if You Do


Knit Your Own Murder
