Order of Phil Broker Books

Order of Phil Broker Books

Phil Broker by Chuck Logan

Phil Broker is the lead character in a series of crime drama novels by American novelist Chuck Logan. Broker is a former undercover cop, soldier and an estranged husband (a marriage from which he has a daughter, Kit). He lives in a cabin on Lake Superior in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. The novel Homefront was adapted to film by Millennium Entertainment in 2013. Directed by Gary Fleder, the film starred Jason Statham and was written by Sylvester Stallone.

Chuck Logan debuted his Phil Broker character in the novel The Price of Blood. Below is a list of Chuck Logan’s Phil Broker books in order of when they were originally published (which is the same as their chronological order):

Publication Order of Phil Broker Books

The Price Of Blood


The Big Law


Absolute Zero


Vapor Trail


After The Rain




