Order of Saxon Chronicles Books

Order of Saxon Chronicles Books

The Saxon Chronicles (or Saxon Stories) is a series of historical fiction novels by British author Bernard Cornwell. The series is set around 9th century during the Danish invasion of Britain. The main character Uhtred Ragnarson was captured by the Danes shortly after birth. The series is told in retrospective through his eyes long after the events occurred.

Bernard Cornwell’s first Saxon Stories novel was The Last Kingdom, published in 2004. The series is ongoing, with Cornwell wishing to continue the series. Below is a list of Bernard Cornwell’s Saxon Chronicles books in order of when they were originally published:

Publication Order of The Warrior Chronicles / Saxon Stories Books

The Last Kingdom


The Pale Horseman


Lords of the North


Sword Song


The Burning Land


Death of Kings


The Pagan Lord


The Empty Throne


Warriors of the Storm


The Flame Bearer


War of the Wolf


Sword of Kings


War Lord


Uhtred’s Feast
